100 thousand people to return to Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur in next three years

BAKU: More than 100 thousand people will come to live in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur in the next three years; the return of internally displaced persons is being implemented as part of a state program, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu told TASS in an interview, Trend reports.

‘As part of the implementation of the ‘I State Program for the Great Return to the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation’, the return of internally displaced persons to their homes is being carried out. In general, over the next three years, more than 100 thousand people are expected to return to the regions of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur,’ he said.

According to him, the liberation of Azerbaijani territories has created new realities not only in Azerbaijan, but throughout the entire region. In addition, the ambassador also noted that over the past three years, large-scale restoration work has been carried out in these territories.

‘To date, huge financial resources have been allocat
ed from the country’s budget for these purposes. This is a unique and unprecedented model of post-conflict rapid reconstruction, carried out by the state at the expense of its own financial resources,’ the diplomat emphasized.

Source: Trend News Agency

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