Solemn ceremony dedicated to opening of “Three Brothers – 2021” international exercises held

A solemn ceremony dedicated to the opening of the “Three Brothers – 2021” international exercises was held in Baku on September 12 with the participation of representatives of the Special Forces of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan.

First, the Hero of the Patriotic War, Major General Zaur Javanshir, reported to the Commander of the Special Forces, Hero of the Patriotic War, Lieutenant General Hikmat Mirzayev, about the readiness of the participants for the opening ceremony.

After the Commander of the Special Forces congratulated the special forces of the three countries on the start of joint exercises, a minute of silence was observed to commemorate the Shehids (Martyrs) of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan.

The national flags of the participating countries were raised by the accompaniment of the national anthems of the participating countries.

Lieutenant General Hikmat Mirzayev said he was very pleased to see the representatives of Turkish and Pakistani special forces in Azerbaijan. “Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan have entered the history of mankind as close friends and brothers. At the heart of these relations is the close ties between our peoples. Evidence of this can be seen in the solidarity and support of Turkey and Pakistan to Azerbaijan from the first day of the 44-day counter-offensive operations launched by Azerbaijan against the Armenian armed forces on September 27, 2020. Today, cooperation between our countries in all areas is at the highest level. Important measures are being taken to further strengthen and develop our relations to ensure the region’s and peoples’ security.”

Lieutenant General Hikmat Mirzayev expressed confidence that the “Three Brothers – 2021” international exercises will provide an extensive exchange of experience and views between servicemen of the three countries and will greatly contribute to further improvement of the professional training.

The heads of the Turkish and Pakistani delegations, Lieutenant Colonel Kurshad Konuk and Lieutenant Colonel Aamir Shahzad, noted that this bond of friendship between the peoples and armies would stand the test of time in a rapidly changing global environment and the three brothers will grow closer as reliable regional partners and collaborators despite international political changes. The “Three Brothers – 2021” international exercises will serve to further strengthen the existing bilateral ties between the armies, as well as provide an opportunity to discover new ways to combat terrorism and develop the training through mutual exchange of experience.

After the official part of the opening ceremony, the Commander of the Azerbaijan Special Forces met with the guests and wished them success in the exercises.

The opening ceremony ended with the presentation of the musical and choreographic composition “We are eternal, invincible brothers” and the song “Three Brothers” dedicated to the “Three Brothers – 2021” international exercises, written and staged by the Honored Art Worker of Azerbaijan, Colonel Abdula Gurbani.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijani Army visits Heydar Aliyev Park in Ankara

First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army, Lieutenant General Karim Valiyev, who is on a visit to the Republic of Turkey, has visited the Heydar Aliyev Park in Ankara.

Lieutenant General Karim Valiyev laid a wreath at a monument to national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev in the park and paid tribute to his memory.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

2 676 new cases of COVID-19 infection per day

Over the past day, 2,676 new cases of coronavirus infection have been identified in Azerbaijan, 3,893 people have recovered, 38 have died, the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers said on September 12.

In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, 460,092 cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in Azerbaijan, including 409,404 people have recovered, 6,103 have died, treatment of 44,585 active patients continues.

Over the past day, 13,536 tests for coronavirus have been carried out.

Also, over the past day, 52,386 people have been vaccinated against coronavirus in Azerbaijan.

The number of those who received the first dose of the vaccine was 18 108, the second dose – 34 278 people.

The total number of vaccinated in the country was 7,609,940.

The first dose was vaccinated 4 507 038, with two doses – 3 102 902 people.

Source: Turan News Agency

Azerbaijan logs 2676 fresh COVID-19 cases, 38 deaths

Azerbaijan has confirmed 2676 new coronavirus cases, 3893 recoveries, and 38 deaths over the past 24 hours, APA reports.

The overall confirmed cases in Azerbaijan have reached 460 092 with 409 404 recoveries and 6 103 deaths. Treatment of 44 585 others is underway.

A total of 4 652 996 coronavirus tests has been conducted in the country so far.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

The head of T?BIB has resigned

Ramin Bayramli, Chairman of the Board of the Association for the Management of Territorial Medical Units (T?BIB), announced his resignation on his Twitter page.

“Dear friends, I wrote a letter of resignation from the post of chairman of the board of T?BIB. I express my gratitude to the colleagues with whom we worked shoulder to shoulder both during the 44-day war and in the battle against the common human misfortune – the COVID-19 virus, and I bow to before the souls of the doctors who died along the way. I will continue to serve the Motherland and the people. “

The day before, information about the construction of Ramin Bayramli’s impressive villa was spread on social networks, which is considered as an indirect involvement in corruption. There were also many complaints about the activities of T?BIB. Bayramli was appointed to office on December 20, 2018.

Source: Turan News Agency

Armenia prepares for war

Military training of reservists, unprecedented in scale, continues in Armenia. The first stage began on August 25 for a period of three months, the second three-month training stage starts on September 15. Thus, it is planned to “fire” several thousand reservists by the end of the year, Sputnik Armenia reports.

Former career officer, military observer Narek Nersisyan notes that there have been no gatherings of this magnitude in Armenia for 15 years, although the law on defense establishes a mandatory condition to hold gatherings annually. Nevertheless, the defense budget did not have a separate item for spending on military training. And now, when the authorities have decided to make up for lost time, many are surprised by the current scale of fees.

“But I must say that nothing extraordinary is happening, Armenia is still in a state of war. From a military-political and even scientific point of view, the war ends only when one of the parties wins. Of course, we have suffered serious human and territorial losses (occupied since 1993 the territory of Azerbaijan – Turan), but the war has not ended. From this point of view, such fees should not frighten or surprise anyone,” Nersisyan said in an interview with Sputnik Armenia.

The expert considers it necessary to intensify these exercises, bringing them as close as possible to the conditions of a real battle.-

Source: Turan News Agency