Azerbaijan, Qatar discuss prospects for cooperation

Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Elnur Mammadov has met with Assistant Foreign Minister of the State of Qatar Lolwah Rashid Al-Khater on the sidelines of the 15th Bali Democracy Forum under the moto “Democracy in a Changing World: Leadership and Solidarity” held in Bali, Indonesia.

During the meeting, the sides discussed prospects for cooperation between Azerbaijan and Qatar. They emphasized the fruitful cooperation between the two friendly countries within international organizations, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

The sides also exchanged views on global and regional issues of mutual interest.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Human rights activist: Bahtiyar Hajiyev is a political prisoner

The accusations against public activist Bakhtiyar Hajiyev have been fabricated and politically motivated. Bakhtiyar Hajiyev is a political prisoner, Rufat Safarov, co-founder of the human rights organization Line of Defense, told Turan. Accusing Hajiyev of “hooliganism” and “disrespect for the court” are devoid of legal grounds. He is convinced that the authorities are persecuting Hajiyev in connection with his political activities and the order for his arrest comes from the “top of power.”


According to Safarov, Hajiyev’s arrest is related to his recent participation in a number of authoritative international forums, where he criticized human rights violations in Azerbaijan and called for sanctions against officials involved in repressions against opposition-minded people.


“In this regard, they want to isolate Bahtiyar Hajiyev,” Safarov said, and referring to the words of the activist himself, he noted in court that Hajiyev was to visit the United States soon. Safarov expressed concern for Hajiyev’s fate.


“There is no guarantee that no sanctions will be applied against him. He was kidnapped even while being released, then what can be expected from treatment in custody,” Safarov said. He also pointed out the unlawfulness of Hajiyev’s detention under the Articles of the Criminal Code imputed to him.


Thus, according to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the court may choose a measure of restraint in the form of arrest if the accused faces a sentence of imprisonment for more than 2 years.


The charges brought against Hajiyev under the Articles 221.1 (hooliganism) and 289.1 (disrespect for the court) provide for maximum penalties of up to 1 year and 6 months in prison, respectively.


However, Fazil Mustafa, a member of the Milli Majlis Committee on Human Rights, does not see “political moments” in Hajiyev’s case. “This is not the first time this person has committed such actions against someone. It is not right to link this with some political motives. If people cannot control their behavior, then it is wrong to present them as political prisoners,” Mustafa said.


According to him, there are normally functioning bloggers and activists in Azerbaijan, and they are not arrested, and they do not have any problems. Hajiyev was detained on December 9 in a case opened based on a complaint by journalist Ulviya Alovlu, with whom he had a lawsuit over mutual accusations of defamation.




The conflict with Alovlu began after they quarreled because they did not share the kittens from their cats. Domestic dispute resulted in mutual accusations and litigation. Bahtiyar Hajiyev has repeatedly stated that the authorities took advantage of this fact to avenge his criticism. Bahtiyar Hajiyev is known as an ardent critic of the government’s policies. He was repeatedly detained and subjected to repression.


In August of this year, he wrote a statement to the presidential administration renouncing Azerbaijani citizenship due to violations of his rights


Source: Turan News Agency

Rainy weather expected in Baku on Sunday

On Sunday, December 11, precipitation is expected from time to time in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula, fog and a southeast wind will prevail.


The air temperature at night will be +4 +6°, in the daytime +7 +9°, the National Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Ecology of Azerbaijan reported. Mostly rainless is expected in the regions of Azerbaijan. However, some eastern areas are likely to experience rain. Fog is forecast in places. A moderate east wind will prevail.


The air temperature at night will be +2 +5°, in the daytime +6 +10° heat, in the mountains at night -7-12°, in the daytime 0-5°.


Source: Turan News Agency

U.S. Sanctions Azerbaijani Official Kerim Heydar Alimardanov For Human Rights Violations And Abuses

The United States on Friday sanctioned Azerbaijani official Kerim Heydar Alimardanov for human rights violations and abuses, TURAN’s Washington correspondent reports.


Alimardanov, who was described as an official from the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime within the Azerbaijani Ministry of Internal Affairs, known as the “Bandotdel”, was named among the list of over 40 individuals from a number of countries for human rights abuses and corruption.


The move comes on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day and on the eve of International Human Rights Day.


Pursuant to Section 7031(c), the Department of State is designating Alimardanov for his involvement in a gross violation of human rights, namely torture of detainees in 2015 and 2016,” the Department said.-025B-


Alex Raufoglu


Washington D.C.


Source: Turan News Agency

U.S. Urges Azerbaijan To Respect Citizens’ Rights, Release Bakhtiyar Hajiyev ‘Expeditiously’

The U.S. State Department on Friday reacted to the arrest of leading human rights activist and government critic Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, allegedly on hooliganism charges, TURAN’s Washington correspondent reports.


“We are deeply troubled by the arrest and detention of Mr. Hajiyev on the eve of Human Rights Day, and we – we urge the authorities to release him expeditiously,” the Department’s Principal Deputy Spokesperson, Vedant Patel, told a daily press briefing in response to TURAN’s questions.


“The U.S. remains strongly committed to advancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and we again urge the government to respect their citizens’ rights, including their right to express their views peacefully,” Patel added.


Hajiyev was detained on Friday and sentenced to 50 days of pre-trial detention. He is accused of hooliganism and contempt of court.


His arrest comes amid a recent crackdown on opposition party functionaries and activists by the Azerbainani government.


Asked by TURAN’s whether the topic of human rights is being discussed during bilateral talks with the Azerbaijani officials – most recently, during a phone call of assistant secretary (A/S) Karen Donfried with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Bayramov this week — Patel said, in general, the U.S. has been and will continue to put the topic at the center of its foreign policy.


“From the very beginning of this administration, since we’ve come into office, we have placed human rights at the center of much of our foreign policy and as we engage with countries around the world, and that’s something that we will intend to continue to do,” he said.


The State Department on Friday provided no additional information on the Donfried-Bayramov call. “A/S Donfried regularly has calls with senior officials across Europe as part of our normal diplomatic engagements, including with Azerbaijan and Armenia,” a Department spokesperson said in response to TURAN’s inquiry.


Hajiyev’s arrest also came just before the U.S. announced financial sanctions and visa restrictions on over 65 individuals and entities — including Kerim Heydar Alimardanov from Azerbaijan — in recognition of International Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Days.


When asked what the designation meant in practice, Patel said, the announcement was a “sweeping action against corrupt actors and those connected to human rights abuses and violations worldwide.”


He went on to add, “these actions impose consequences on actors across the globe who engage in corruption and violate or abuse human rights. This is a broad designation – it’s a series of broad designations that we’ve made that has impacted more than 65 individuals and entities in 17 countries.”


Speaking to TURAN, Richard Kauzlarich, former U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan (1994–1997), said it is ‘important’ that the State Department sanctioned Kerim Heydar Alimardanov for human rights abuse under the Global Magnitsky Act.


“The Baku regime has committed violations of human rights with impunity. Now there are consequences,” Kauzlarich said, “I hope these sanctions will expand to include those officials who commit gross corruption as well,” he added.


Alex Raufoglu


Washington D.C.


Source: Turan News Agency