U.S. Sends New Air Defense System To Ukraine

The Biden Administration will send another $400 million to Ukraine, which will include large amounts of ammunition and a new air defense system, TURAN’s Washington correspondent reports.


For the first time, Kyiv will receive highly mobile Avenger Air Defense Systems, according to the Pentagon officials.


The package will also include ammunition for HIMARS the U.S. has provided to the country for its defensive efforts against Russia, and mortars and missiles for the Hawk surface-to-air anti-aircraft system.


The move comes as the Russian military has announced a withdrawal from the southern city of Kherson, though the move is viewed as a possible ruse to inflict massive casualties on Ukrainian forces.


The package also drops during a brutal Kremlin missile barrage on major Ukrainian cities and infrastructure, which began last month.


“I don’t think the conflict will be resolved until Putin gets out of Ukraine,” President Biden told reporters Thursday night as he was leaving the White House to travel to Egypt, Cambodia and Indonesia for November summits.


In Indonesia at the G20 summit, neither Biden, nor his secretary of state Antony Blinken has any plan to interact with the Russian delegation, TURAN’s correspondent was told by U.S officials.


After Putin’s decision to skip the G20, his foreign minister Lavrov will head Russia’s delegation in Indonesia.


Source: Turan News Agency


Armenians fired at Azerbaijani positions on border andm in Karabakh

On Friday, November 11, from 00:30 to 00:50, units of the Armenian armed forces intermittently shelled the positions of the Azerbaijani army in the direction of the settlement of Byazirkhan in the Kelbajar region with various small arms. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.


Besides, on November 11, at 01:45, members of illegal Armenian armed formations in Karabakh shelled the positions of the Azerbaijani army in the Khojavend direction.


The units of the Azerbaijani army deployed in these areas have taken adequate response measures, the military department further noted.


According to the Armenian side, the Azerbaijani military opened fire on the border, but there was no shooting in Karabakh.


Source: Turan News Agency

Brussels calls for joint gas purchases by EU countries

President of the European Council Charles Michel believes that it is no longer possible to delay the project of joint gas purchases by EU member states.


“Now it is also time to put our joint gas purchases into action. This will be voluntary, except for volumes corresponding to 15% of the required reserves, which must be subject to mandatory joint bidding. It is very important that we negotiate effectively and quickly with our reliable partners, such as Norway and the United States. They are also our close allies,” Michel said at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday.


According to Michel, the price of gas on the international market has fallen significantly since August, but remains much higher than before the events in Ukraine. He recalled that “the commission is also instructed to develop a dynamic price corridor in order to reduce price volatility in natural gas transactions as soon as possible.”


Source: Turan News Agency


Pashinyan’s destructive statements are blow to normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia – A. Hajizade

Attempts by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to distort the speech of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Shusha on November 8 and create the impression that Azerbaijan is not fulfilling its obligations are completely unjustified and unacceptable.


This approach of the Armenian leadership is another blow to the process of normalization of relations between the two states and the establishment of peace in the region.


This is stated in the comments of the official representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Ayhan Hajizade, on some statements made by the Prime Minister of Armenia during his speech at a government meeting on November 10.


The Foreign Ministry’s message says that Pashinyan’s accusation of Azerbaijan’s “violation of international law” is unfounded.


As Hajizade emphasizes, during the 44-day war in 2020, Azerbaijan, using its right to defense in line with the UN Charter, liberated its internationally recognized territories from the occupants and restored territorial integrity. Armenia continues to decline from the Trilateral Statement of November 10, 2020, in particular, paragraphs 4, 6 and 9 of the document signed personally by Prime Minister Pashinyan, thereby violating its international obligations.


“Azerbaijan’s adequate responses to various military provocations of the Armenian armed formations, which, contrary to the Trilateral Statement, have not yet been completely withdrawn from Azerbaijani territories and continue to pose a threat to the region, are legitimate,” the official representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry further said in a comment. It is the Armenian side that, in violation of the obligations as set forth in paragraph 9 of the Trilateral Statement, disrupts the process of opening communications between the western regions of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.


Azerbaijan, for its part, honestly fulfills its obligation by laying a new Lachin road. Therefore, the statement of the Armenian Prime Minister about Azerbaijan’s intention to “block the Lachin corridor” is nothing more than a deliberate aggravation of the situation in the region, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry comments further.


The document notes that “in keeping with the tripartite statement, the Republic of Azerbaijan guarantees the safety of the movement of citizens, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin road in both directions,” however, the use of the road for military purposes is unacceptable.


As Armenian officials have acknowledged, Armenian armed formations have not been completely withdrawn from the territory of Azerbaijan, and mines produced in Armenia in 2021 are also being transported to the territory of Azerbaijan. “This means that, contrary to paragraph 6 of the Trilateral Statement, cases of Armenia’s abuse of the Lachin road for illegal military actions continue,” the official representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry further emphasizes.


“As for the completely incorrect interpretation and unfounded statements of the well-known provision of the Trilateral Statement by the Prime Minister of Armenia regarding the Zangezur Corridor, we note that the Zangezur Corridor means the restoration of the historical connection between Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of our country, which implies the use of this corridor for peaceful and humanitarian purposes,” the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said in a commentary.


Pashinyan’s statements about the so-called “status of Karabakh”, which was not mentioned in any way in the trilateral statement and other documents, are also inconsistent. “Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan, the rights and security of the Armenian population living in the region will be ensured in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” the official representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry emphasizes.


In addition, Hajizade responded to the statements of the Armenian Prime Minister about Azerbaijan’s alleged obstruction in the process of normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations, saying that “Armenia’s territorial claims to Turkey are reflected in its declaration of independence and constitution, which does not recognize the borders of its neighbors, which directly testifies to the absurdity of its accusation.”


“We declare once again that the ongoing destructive activities of Armenia, contrary to its obligations, do not promote the restoration of peace in the region, but primarily act against Armenia. Azerbaijan, for its part, is committed to establishing peace and stability in the region and will continue its actions in this direction on the basis of international law,” Hajizade stressed.


Source: Turan News Agency

EU urges Armenia and Azerbaijan to avoid bellicose rhetoric and escalation of violence

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the end of the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the EU called on the parties to moderate their rhetoric and avoid any unnecessary escalation of tension and military provocations.


“This week marks the second anniversary of the end of the 44-day war in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. On this occasion, the EU remembers all the Armenian and Azerbaijani victims of the conflict over the past 30 years. Fully aware of this difficult legacy, the EU calls on both sides to avoid hostility and continue reconciliation efforts to prevent further unnecessary loss of life and damage,” an EU official said in a statement.


It is also noted that the EU welcomes the numerous steps taken by the leadership of Armenia and Azerbaijan to overcome differences and achieve a lasting and sustainable peace in the region. The EU appreciates their continued involvement in ongoing negotiations at various levels and in various formats. “While these negotiations are certainly complex and will take time, it is imperative that we not lose momentum, agree on concrete steps forward and ensure a safe, secure and prosperous environment for the benefit of the entire population of the region,” the document continues.


In a still volatile environment where the wounds of the past 30 years are far from healing, the EU once again calls on the parties to “moderate their rhetoric and avoid any unnecessary escalation of tension”, including “refraining from threatening or blaming each other” and “military provocations”. and action.”


The EU will continue to actively respond to the wishes of both sides and support them in their work towards a comprehensive and fair settlement of all outstanding issues, including through the personal efforts of the President of the European Council Charles Michel, High Representative Josep Borrell, EU Special Representative Toivo Klaar, as well as other EU mechanisms.


Source: Turan News Agency


Ilham Aliyev stood up for rights of Azerbaijanis in Iran

The Turkic states should not remain indifferent to the issues of the rights of compatriots living outside their borders in other countries of the world. This appeal was made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, speaking today in Samarkand at the summit of the leaders of the member-countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS).


“The Turkic world consists not only of independent Turkic states, its geographical borders are wider. I believe that the time has come not to lose sight of such issues as the protection of the rights, security and national identity of our compatriots living outside the countries of the Organization of Turkic States, prevention of their assimilation.


It is time to pay attention to these issues on a permanent basis within the framework of the organization,” Aliyev said.


The younger generation in the Turkic world should have the opportunity to study in their native language in the schools of the countries where they live, the President of Azerbaijan believes. “Unfortunately, most of the 40 million Azerbaijanis living outside Azerbaijan are deprived of these opportunities,” Aliyev stressed, referring to ethnic Azerbaijanis living in Southern (Iranian) Azerbaijan.


“The education of our compatriots living outside the Turkic states in their native language should always be on the agenda of the organization. The necessary steps should be taken in this direction,” Aliyev continued.


The Azerbaijani state pays special attention to ensuring the rights, freedoms and security of Azerbaijanis living in foreign countries. “We will continue to make efforts to preserve our language, traditions and culture, be true to the ideas of Azerbaijanism and never break ties with their historical homeland,” he said.


In his speech, Aliyev also focused on the consequences of the 30-year-old Armenian aggression, which was eliminated by the victory of the Azerbaijani army in the Patriotic War of 2020.


However, Armenia continues provocations on the border even after the war.


“Finally, in September, the Azerbaijani armed forces were forced to launch a decisive counter-offensive operation to prevent a large-scale military provocation by Armenia,” Aliyev stressed.


He stated the inconsistency of the Armenian’s accusations of Azerbaijan “in military aggression”. “We categorically reject these unfounded claims. We fought on our lands and defeated the Armenian army and expelled them from our ancestral lands. Today we are still on our native lands in the direction of the Azerbaijani-Armenian border,” Aliyev further pointed out.


At the same time, he emphasized that the Karabakh conflict remained in history.


“Azerbaijan and Armenia officially recognized each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in joint declarations adopted in Prague and Sochi in October. This shows once again that the Karabakh conflict has remained in history. The results of the second Karabakh war open up new opportunities for the region. Azerbaijan is actively promoting the creation of the Zangezur corridor performing large-scale activities on its territory to attain this goal. All countries of the region will benefit from the opening of the Zangezur corridor,” Aliyev continued.


Source: Turan News Agency