Category: Business

Azerbaijan’s Clean City OJSC to buy containers for solid waste management in Shusha

LACHIN, Azerbaijan, A contract was signed for the purchase of special equipment and underground containers necessary for the management of solid waste in Azerbaijan’s Shusha city, head of the department at Clean City OJSC Sabuhi Babayev said, Trend reports.   Babayev made the remark at a meeting of the working group on environmental issues at […]

Azerbaijani gas supplies to Europe play big role in ensuring its energy security – expert

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani gas supplies to Europe play a big role in ensuring its energy security, Fellow and Senior Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University Jonathan Elkind said during the round table discussion on energy security and the role of Azerbaijan, Trend reports.   According to him, Europe discusses […]

Azerbaijan has great potential in renewable energy production – Center on Global Energy Policy

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan has a great potential in renewable energy production, Fellow and Senior Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University Jonathan Elkind said during the round table discussion on energy security and the role of Azerbaijan, Trend reports.   According to him, the current solar and wind energy potential […]

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