Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor General files criminal case against Armenian footballers who insulted Azerbaijani flag

The military-political leadership of Armenia, once again demonstrating its aggressive nature, continues provocative actions with the intention of national hatred and enmity against our country in gross violation of the fundamental norms and principles of international law, the Prosecutor General office told APA.

“Thus, some media outlets and various social media sites have disseminated videos depicting Armenian footballers insulting the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Upon the fact, a criminal proceeding has been launched by the Prosecutor General under Articles 283.2.3 (when incitement of national, racial, social or religious hatred and enmity is committed by an organized group) and 324 (insulting actions against the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan or the State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Azerbaijan) of the Criminal Code. Investigation has been entrusted to the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office. By submitting legal assistance requests in the case, the necessary joint measures will be taken to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of the crime together with the prosecution authorities of other countries, as well as with relevant public agencies,” the information reads.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Azerbaijan joins in CIS Interstate Council on Intellectual property with special clause due to Armenia

Azerbaijan joins in the Agreement “on Cooperation in the Area of Legal Protection of Intellectual Property and on Establishment of Interstate Council on Legal Protection of Intellectual Property” dated November 19, 2010, APA reports.

It has been reflected in the draft law discussed at today’s meeting of Milli Majlis.

In accordance with the agreement, the parties cooperate with the different means in order to coordinate the joint activity on the improvement of the interstate system of protection of intellectual property, prevention of infringements in the field of intellectual property.

The agreement notes that the parties create an Interstate Council for the legal protection and protection of intellectual property.

The Council carries out its activities on the basis of the relevant Regulations.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Parliament adopts controversial media bill in first reading

On December 14, the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan adopted in the first reading the scandalous bill “On Media”, which caused serious criticism from journalists and experts.

Calls from media representatives to hold a broad discussion of the bill were ignored. The MPs did not notice any problems in this document and voted for its adoption in the first reading.

Source: Turan News Agency

Experts do not expect documents to be signed at Brussels meeting

President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Pashinyan will meet in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday. At first, meetings will be held in a trilateral format with EU President Charles Michel. Before that Michel will hold meetings on a bilateral basis. On Wednesday, following the Eastern Partnership summit, there will be a bilateral, witness-free meeting between Aliyev and Pashinyan,” political analyst Fikret Mammadov told Turan.

It will be for the first time since the war that the Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders will hold tête-à-tête talks.

Mammadov believes that interest in the Brussels meeting has also increased due to the certain inconclusiveness of the Sochi meeting. The intergovernmental commission failed to reach a decision on December 1, although it was announced by Russian President Putin. After this meeting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov phoned only to his Armenian colleague and “emphasised” the implementation of the decisions taken.

After that President Ilham Aliyev warned Armenia that tensions between the two countries would not subside until the Armenian authorities comply with the commitments signed.

“The meetings in Brussels are the next stage in forcing peace on Armenia, already at the European level. After the Brussels talks, Pashinyan can say that Europe has also ‘given the go-ahead’ to open communications and begin the process of defining the border, thereby neutralising both pro-Russian and pro-Western opposition. This is a new chance for Pashinyan to avoid another losses which are inevitable if he stubbornly refuses to compromise this time too,” Mammadov said.

Armenian political analyst Benjamin Poghosyan considers the sides’ agreement to meet in Brussels as normal diplomatic practice. He is not sure that any document will be signed between Yerevan and Baku in the Belgian capital. “At best, a joint statement may be adopted with general formulations about ‘readiness for negotiations’, ‘commitment of the sides’ and so on,” Poghosyan believes.

“We should not expect the Brussels meeting to form any new platform, alongside the troika of co-chairs and the Armenia-Russia-Azerbaijan format. This is likely to be a one-off initiative. One way or another, the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan would have gone to the Eastern Partnership summit. All things considered, it was decided to organise a meeting of the heads of the two opposing states in parallel. This is a widely spread international practice,” Poghosyan said.

Source: Turan News Agency

Brussels to host Aliyev-Pashinyan meeting

A meeting between President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Nicolas Pashinian mediated by European Council President Charles Michel, will be held on Tuesday 14 December, instead of the 15th as previously planned.

This was reported on the website of the European Council. Under the same source, Michel will first have separate meetings with Pashinian and Aliyev, and then the three of them will meet.

The subject of the talks will be the post-war situation in the region and ways of resolving consequences of the second Karabakh war.

Source: Turan News Agency

Rumors about Azerbaijan`s victory over Armenia in Hague are exaggerated

The International Court of Justice (the main judicial body of the United Nations) ruled on December 7 on interim measures in two cases: “Armenia against Azerbaijan” and “Azerbaijan against Armenia”. In some cases, in connection with the decision of Armenia against Azerbaijan, manipulations are allowed.The decisions of the International Court of Justice on both verdicts (“Armenia v. Azerbaijan” and “Azerbaijan v. Armenia”) were commented on by lawyer Emin Abbasov.

Question: Are the decisions of the International Court of Justice fair in these cases (“Armenia against Azerbaijan” and “Azerbaijan against Armenia”)? What are these documents essentially talking about?

Answer: In general, it should be noted that before the consideration of the case on December 7, 2021, on the essence of the mutual statements of Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Court had already taken decisions on the statements of both sides of the statements (petitions) on interim measures against Azerbaijan applied to the Court with a request to take six interim measures against Armenia. In short, these measures prescribed the following:

Armenia should take all necessary steps to carry out urgent, safe and effective clearance of mines from the mined territories of Azerbaijan, as well as provide prompt, complete and accurate information on the location and characteristics of mines;

Armenia must stop endangering the lives of Azerbaijanis by encouraging or facilitating the laying of mines on the territory of Azerbaijan;

Armenia should take all necessary measures to prevent incitement to racial hatred and racially motivated violence against Azerbaijanis by organizations, including VoMA (Voxj Mnalu Arvest (the art of survival) – an Armenian armed group) and individuals on its territory, as well as hatred of Azerbaijanis in public and private statements on twitter and other social and traditional media.

Armenia should take effective measures to ensure the collection, prevention of destruction and protection of evidence of ethnically motivated crimes against Azerbaijanis, including evidence from the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Armenia should refrain from any actions that may aggravate, expand or complicate the settlement of this dispute;

Finally, Armenia must submit a report, indicating provisional measures, on all measures taken to implement its decision, indicating provisional measures, within three months from the date of the decision, and then every six months until a final decision on the case is made.

Of the 6 interim measures requested by Azerbaijan, the court recognized only 2 as legitimate. Thus, according to the decision on interim measures, the Court made a unanimous decision:

In accordance with its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Armenia must take all necessary measures to prevent incitement and encouragement of racial hatred, including by organizations and individuals on its territory, directed at persons of Azerbaijani origin.

Another interim measure, the Court has imposed on both sides. Thus, the second interim measure states that “both parties refrain from any action that may aggravate or prolong the dispute before the Court or that may complicate its settlement.”

It should be noted that the International Court of Justice did not satisfy the first request for interim measures, which both sides consider the most important (Azerbaijan’s demand for mine maps, Armenia’s demand for the release of prisoners of war). The International Court of Justice requires such claims to be based on statements of fact (related to law) and be convincingly linked to the Convention. In this regard, it should also be borne in mind that the jurisdiction of the Court here will be limited to the protection of the rights provided for in the Convention on Racial Discrimination.

As for Armenia, the International Court of Justice noted that it did not provide evidence that the immediate return of prisoners of war is a matter of international humanitarian law and that the capture and detention was due to ethnic origin.

With regard to Azerbaijan’s mine-related claims, the International Court of Justice noted that a mining policy could create controversy if it was specifically shaped and implemented on the basis of nationality and ethnicity. The International Court of Justice stressed that the Azerbaijani side could not convincingly prove this.

Question: Armenia put forward six demands to Azerbaijan – release of Armenian prisoners, humane treatment of them, prevention of propaganda of hatred towards Armenians, closure of the War Trophy Park, protection of the Armenian cultural heritage and admission of Armenians to these places. Deputy Foreign Minister Elnur Mammadov stated that the issues raised by Armenia regarding Azerbaijan in the international court were not supported. Is Elnur Mammadov right? What claims of Armenia to Azerbaijan were accepted by the court, and what were not?

Answer: Armenia demanded from the Court to take 8 interim measures against Azerbaijan. The court accepted 6 of them for consideration and ruled to take only 4 interim measures – 3 in relation to Azerbaijan and one for both countries.

These include the following:

a) Protect all persons detained in connection with the 2020 conflict from violence and personal injury, and ensure their safety and equality before the law (adopted by 14 votes in favor and one vote against);

b) Take all necessary measures to prevent incitement and encouragement of racial hatred and discrimination against persons of Armenian nationality or Armenian ethnic origin, including by officials and state bodies of Azerbaijan (unanimously);

c) Take all necessary measures to prevent and punish acts of vandalism and insult to the Armenian cultural heritage, including churches and other places of worship, monuments, landmarks, cemeteries (13 – for, 2 – against).

The International Court of Justice did not rule in favor of the requirement for the three interim measures of protection, which Armenia considers to be the most important. This:

1. Release of all Armenian prisoners and detainees;

2. Closure of the War Booty Park;

3. Protect the right of access to the monuments of Armenian culture.

The International Court of Justice largely attributed this decision to the lack of convincing evidence that they were related to the rights protected by the Convention. In addition, the International took into account that the Azerbaijani side has already taken out dummies imitating Armenian servicemen and the helmets of the dead Armenian servicemen from the War Trophy Park in Baku.

Question: Azerbaijani media write that “Azerbaijan forced Armenia to kneel in the UN court,” “won the upper hand in court.” Is it really?

Answer: It is difficult to agree with such assessments in the Azerbaijani media of the decision of the International Court of Justice on interim measures against Azerbaijan, adopted at the request of Armenia. Although the International Court of Justice rejected Armenia’s demands for some interim measures (such as the immediate release of prisoners of war and other detainees and the closure of a mining park in Baku), it ultimately ruled on three important interim measures for Armenia. These include the adoption of interim measures regarding the treatment of prisoners of war in accordance with international law, measures to prevent racial hatred and discrimination against persons of Armenian national or ethnic origin (by the state and officials) and the protection of Armenian cultural monuments in Azerbaijan.

Question: Deputy Foreign Minister Elnur Mammadov also promised that Azerbaijan will file new lawsuits against Armenia. What other claims can Azerbaijan bring against Armenia in other international courts and in The Hague? What are the prospects for business?

Answer: After making a decision on interim measures, the International Court of Justice will move on to the stage of considering the merits of applications filed with the Court by Azerbaijan and Armenia. Here the Court will fully assess the claims and evidence presented by the parties. The final decision in the case against Georgia was taken 2.5 years after the adoption by the Court of interim measures against Russia.

According to the official structures of Azerbaijan, in 2021, Azerbaijan filed complaints against Armenia in two international courts. These are the European Court of Justice and the International Court of Justice.

Since, as will be stated below, an appeal to the International Court of Justice is a jurisdiction arising from the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Article 22), ratified by Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Court has exclusive jurisdiction to rule on racial discrimination. On other issues, the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides must accept the jurisdiction of the Court in the relevant disputes. Only in this case can the International Court of Justice consider on their merits other claims brought by the parties in the context of the conflict.

The jurisdiction of the Court in contentious proceedings is based on the consent of the states. The form of expression of such consent is possible on the basis of a special agreement or on issues stipulated by international agreements and conventions. Without going into details, it can generally be said that Azerbaijan can sue in jurisdictions in which foreign or international companies may be liable for the illegal use of natural resources in the liberated territories, as well as for causing damage to individuals and state property.

Question: Many are confused by the recent decisions of the International Court of Justice. If you remember, after the war, officials announced that a lawsuit would be filed against Armenia demanding compensation for damage caused in the liberated territories, as well as damage caused during the war. People confuse the decision of the International Court of Justice with this question and ask: “Where is the compensation?” What has been heard about this compensation? And is there any prospects for this claim for compensation in international courts?

Answer: It should be noted that in the case of Azerbaijan and Armenia, the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice for both countries, that is, the interpretation or application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, is a matter of dispute. The International Court of Justice does not consider issues related to the calculation and compensation of material damage suffered by the parties as a result of the military conflict. Compensation for possible damage can arise only in case of violation by the state of its obligations under the Convention “On the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination” in relation to certain individuals. In other words, currently the most competent authority to consider the issue of compensation for damage in the context of a conflict is the European Court of Human Rights.

However, the European Court can only consider cases of violations that have occurred or continue to occur in relation to both countries from the date of entry into force of the Convention (2002). In this case, the Court may consider cases in which violations of the laws of war as a result of the Second Karabakh War led to violations of human rights (right to life, property rights, right to housing).

Source: Turan News Agency