Phone conversation between Azerbaijani and Turkish Foreign Ministers

In a telephone conversation on 8 December, Foreign Ministers Ceyhun Bayramov and Mevlut Cavusoglu of Azerbaijan and Turkey discussed the situation in the region and implementation of the trilateral statements of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reports that the sides also touched upon the implementation of regional cooperation under Formula 3+3.

Also, the Ministers exchanged views on the upcoming meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Pakistan.

Source: Turan News Agency

Activists call on international community to save Saleh Rustamov

A large group of civil society activists of the country have appealed to international organizations, calling to support political prisoner Saleh Rustamov who has been on a long hunger strike.

“The purpose of our appeal is to inform about serious political and legal problems of the Azerbaijani society, and request to make all efforts to help us overcome the crisis,” the appeal reads.

The authors deplore the fact that there are more than 100 political prisoners in the country.

Rustamov’s arrest and conviction was accompanied by serious violations of the law. He was detained in May 2018 by officers of the main department for combating organised crime under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, his relatives were not informed for a long time about his detention and he had access to the lawyer.

It has to be noted that Rustamov was subjected to horrific tortures to extract evidence against the opposition. Intially he was icharged with drug trafficking and later with organising a criminal association.

The investigation was accompanied by massive irregularities but was “corroborated” by the court. Rustamov was sentenced to 7 years and 3 months of imprisonment, and the property of all his family members, including his paternal home, was confiscated.

The higher courts continued the unlawful and politically motivated treatment of Rustamov.

His hunger strike has continued for more than 30 days and with each passing day he is nearing death, a man whose guilt has not been confirmed. Rustamov has lost 15 kg in weight and has difficulty in walking and talking. No appropriate medical care has so far been provided to him.

It should be emphasized thast “S.Rustamov’s case is one of the worst examples of the Azerbaijani government’s policy of eliminating and subjugating its rivals, and is of serious concern for the entire society which wants the country to get democratised and have a prosperous future.

These concerns were expressed on 1 December during a peaceful rally in Baku to protest against the lawlessness in respect of Rustamov which was violently suppressed by the police. 40 peaceful protesters were detained, including five arrested administratively.

Several detainees were subjected to unwarranted physical tortures, including opposition politician Tofig Yagublu. Another opposition politician, Pasha Dadashzadeh, a member of the Party of People’s Front of Azerbaijan (PPFA), had his arm broken,” the statement reads.

To conclude, the authors are calling on the progressive democratic public, states and individuals to spare no effort in reminding the Azerbaijani government of its commitment to fundamental human rights, to eliminate the consequences of the lawlessness against Rustamov, and to release him from detention.

About 100 people – activists, journalists, human rights defenders, lawyers, experts and others – have signed the appeal.

Source: Turan News Agency

Delegation led by Azerbaijani Parliamentary chair Sahiba Gafarova arrives in Istanbul

The parliamentary delegation led by Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova arrived in Istanbul on 8 December to join the 16th session of the Parliamentary Union of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, the Press and Public Relations Department of the Milli Majlis told APA.

The delegation was welcomed at the Ataturk Airport of Istanbul by Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Turkey Rashad Mammadov, our consul general in Istanbul Narmina Mustafayeva, the head of the GNAT group of friendship with the Milli Majlis Samil Ayrim and other officials.

The program of the visit includes a speech that the Chair of the Milli Majlis will deliver at the PUIC session and a number of meetings that she will have with the leaders of the participating delegations.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Armenia rewards those who incite hatred against Azerbaijanis – Deputy FM says

“Azerbaijan has approached Armenia’s request for a Military Trophy Park in Baku from a purely legal perspective and is waiting for a constant decision from the international court,” said Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elnur Mammadov at the press conference on the decision of the International Court of Justice on temporary measures, APA reports.

The Deputy Minister emphasized that another success of Azerbaijan at this stage was regarding those who instilled hatred against Azerbaijan in Armenia: “These people are not prosecuted in Armenia. In Armenia, people who see Azerbaijan and Turks as enemies, conduct campaigns against the return of lands, and so on are rewarded by institutions, including the Ministry of Defense of Armenia.”

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Russian FM stressed the importance of starting the delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border as soon as possible

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan had a telephone conversation, APA reports citing the Russian Foreign Ministry.

During the telephone conversation, the ministers discussed topical issues of the bilateral, regional and international agenda.

Special attention was also paid to the implementation of the Sochi agreements of November 26, 2021, by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia.

Lavrov stressed the importance of starting work on the delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border as soon as possible and ensuring demarcation at a later stage.

The Russian Foreign Minister stressed the importance of turning the agreement into a practical level within the trilateral working group co-chaired by the Deputy Prime Ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency