Swedish PM: Likelihood Finland joins NATO before Sweden has increased

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said on Tuesday that the likelihood that Finland joins the NATO military alliance before Sweden had increased, though it was only a matter of time before Swedish became a member, APA reports citign AlArabiya news.

Sweden and Finland applied to join NATO last year but have faced objections from Turkey which says the two countries harbor members of what it considers a terrorist groups. The countries resumed talks on the process in Brussels last week.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Baku hosts premiere of film about culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan

The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Azerbaijan demonstrated the film “Two Parts of One Whole”, dedicated to the common origins of the two countries’ cultures, Trend reports.

The film was screened as part of a reception organized by the embassy and dedicated to the upcoming election to the parliament and maslikhats (local representative bodies) of Kazakhstan [scheduled for March 19, 2023].

The authors of the film focused on the mutual influence that thinkers, poets and writers had on the culture of the two countries.

The film also reflects the modern period of cooperation and touches upon the topic of diplomatic ties, as well as trusting relations between the countries and their leaders.

Besides, the authors of the film also touched upon the restoration of the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, noting the pace and scale of restoration work in Karabakh.

Diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan were established on August 27, 1992. Both countries are full members of the Organization of Turkic States, Joint Administration of Turkic Arts and Culture, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Turkic Council, Joint Administration of Turkic Arts and Culture, and other organizations.

Source: Trend News Agency

More interconnectors there are, broader gas export geography in European can be – President Ilham Aliyev

The more interconnectors there are, the broader our gas export geography in Europe can be, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in a press conference with Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz in Berlin, Trend reports.

“According to the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the European Union last year, we plan to deliver 20 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Europe by 2027. I should also note that our gas exports are not limited to Europe. At the same time, we export gas to Türkiye and Georgia, which are the biggest markets for us. Therefore, new contracts must be signed to deliver gas exports to Europe in the future. Currently, Azerbaijani gas is delivered to Türkiye, Georgia, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy. It has also been delivered to Romania since this year. At the end of this year, we intend to supply first gas to Hungary. We have started negotiations with the Albanian government to establish a gas supply network in Albania and enable gas exports to Albania in the future. At the same time, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and other countries are among the countries that have placed orders with us. Of course, the emerging interconnectors in Europe also play a very important role. The more interconnectors there are, the broader our gas export geography in Europe can be. Of course, long-term contracts should be signed. Because we know very well that there is a tendency to go green in Europe, and we are interested in long-term contracts. I do hope that we can reconcile these issues. At the same time, if we take into account the investment in renewable energy in Azerbaijan, the natural gas currently used for the production of electricity can be exported to Europe, so our future exports could be larger than we envisioned,” President Ilham Aliyev said.

Source: Trend News Agency

President Ilham Aliyev: Armenia had not fulfilled its obligations regarding opening of Zangezur corridor

Armenia had not fulfilled its obligations regarding the opening of the Zangezur corridor according to the trilateral Statement, said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he held an expanded meeting with President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier. President Ilham Aliyev provided information about Azerbaijan’s proposal to establish a border checkpoint at the end of the Lachin road, on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Emphasizing that the launch of the Zangezur corridor would create opportunities for the emergence of a new transport route, President Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan was rapidly continuing the construction of railways and highways in its territory.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

President of Azerbaijan: Our gas exports are not limited to Europe

“Our gas exports are not limited to Europe. We also export gas to Turkiye and Georgia, which are the biggest markets for us. Therefore, new contracts should be signed to deliver gas to Europe in the future,” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, APA reports.

Emphasizing that Azerbaijan’s gas was currently being delivered to Turkiye, Georgia, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy, the head of state noted that gas supplied to Romania had started this year. “We intend to supply first gas to Hungary at the end of this year. We have now started negotiations with the Albanian government regarding creation of the Albanian gas supply network and enable gas exports to Albania in the future. At the same time, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and other countries are among the countries that have placed orders with us,” the Azerbaijani leader emphasized.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency