President Ilham Aliyev held expanded meeting with President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin -UPDATED-1

Following the one-on-one meeting, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has held an expanded meeting with President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin, APA reports.

Addressing the meeting, President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier said:

– Dear colleague, Mr. President.

I remember our meetings in Baku. I was in a different position when I was visiting Azerbaijan. Now the time is different. There are difficulties around us. We analyzed the situation. It has been a year since Russia invaded Ukraine. What effect does this have on the political environment and the economic situation? We have had a chance to talk about the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. We both really hope it will end well. This is a complex conflict. Several steps forward have been taken during the past period. A process of negotiations was conducted with Charles Michel.

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President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said:

– Thank you, Mr. President. I am very happy to be visiting Germany again. As we discussed in our one-on-one meeting, we will do our best to contribute to the peaceful settlement of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. I believe that there is a good chance to reach an agreement, especially at a time when Armenia and Azerbaijan recognized each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty after the meetings in Sochi last October. It is a good idea to sign this agreement sooner rather than later. We have developed five principles based on international law which, in our view, should form the basis of the peace agreement.

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The President of Germany noted that in the meeting with President Ilham Aliyev, discussions were held regarding the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the signing of a peace treaty, noting that he was hopeful that the peace treaty would be signed.

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier noted that Germany supported the mission led by President of the European Council Charles Michel, adding that he was hoping that a meeting would be held in Brussels soon. The German President said that Charles Michel’s mission was enjoying the trust of both sides. He also stated that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken had seriously supported and contributed to the process of normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier emphasized that Germany supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan.

President Ilham Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan supported the process of signing a peace treaty with Armenia, the mission of President of the European Council Charles Michel, and the Brussels peace agenda. He drew attention to the fact that the peace agreement and the peace agenda were defined in the meetings held during this period and in the statements made.

The President of Azerbaijan noted that the initiative to sign the peace agreement, which includes five principles, was put forward by Azerbaijan, and the peace agreement between the two countries could be signed based on these principles. President Ilham Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan’s position consisted of two approaches. The first approach is the signing of a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the second approach is the implementation of dialogue with the Armenian residents of Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region.

President Ilham Aliyev stated that the representative appointed by Azerbaijan had met with the residents of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan on March 5, and representatives of the Armenian community of Karabakh were invited to the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan in Baku to continue contacts on their reintegration and the implementation of a number of infrastructure projects.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev noted that all forms and manifestations of separatism were unacceptable and emphasized the importance of demonstrating a unified position in relation to separatist trends.

Touching upon the issue of the Lachin road in Azerbaijan, the head of state said that Armenia’s claims about the blockade of this road were completely groundless, that there was traffic along the road, that more than 4,000 vehicles and over 150 people in need of medical assistance had passed along the road since December 12.

President Ilham Aliyev stated that the Azerbaijani side was concerned about the presence of Armenian armed forces in the Azerbaijani territories where Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed and the use of the Lachin road for military purposes and military transport.

The head of state added that Armenia had not fulfilled its obligations regarding the opening of the Zangezur corridor according to the trilateral Statement and provided information about Azerbaijan’s proposal to establish a border checkpoint at the end of the Lachin road, on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Emphasizing that the launch of the Zangezur corridor would create opportunities for the emergence of a new transport route, President Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan was rapidly continuing the construction of railways and highways in its territory.

The sides also exchanged views on issues on the regional and global agenda.


President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has held an expanded meeting with President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin.


President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev’s expanded meeting with President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier has started in Berlin, APA reports.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

President Ilham Aliyev’s address was read at Eurasian Economic Summit-UPDATED

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has addressed to participants of 26th Eurasian Economic Summit, APA reports.

“Dear participants of the Summit,

I sincerely greet you on the occasion of the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit organized by “Marmara Group” Strategic and Social Research Foundation.

This year’s meeting coincides with a painful period for brotherly Türkiye. I remember the victims of the earthquake with a great sense of sadness and inform you that the people and the state of Azerbaijan, as always, stand with brotherly Türkiye in these difficult days like one heart and one fist. Azerbaijan mobilized resources at all levels to help Türkiye from the very first day and demonstrated tremendous solidarity. Our support in the process of eliminating the consequences of the disaster will be continued. I am sure that strong and powerful Türkiye will overcome these difficulties with dignity.

Natural disasters are beyond human control and demonstrate again just how much people, nations and states need each other’s support and solidarity. In this regard, this year’s Eurasian Economic Summit being held under the motto of “End hopelessness and start cooperation!” has an important symbolic meaning.

Unfortunately, the mechanisms that should regulate interstate relations in the world have become weaker and confidence in the supremacy of international law has diminished. Wars, geopolitical conflicts and the energy crisis occurring at the same time with them are the results of the decline of the system of international relations. Within this new global configuration, the role of an influential and determined state like Türkiye in ensuring order, maintaining cooperation and a sustainable development environment is of exceptional importance.

Today, Azerbaijan and Türkiye as two brotherly countries and strategic allies are creating new historical realities in the region, making continuous contributions to peace, security and cooperation in the Eurasian space through joint decisions and global projects. The strength of the Azerbaijan-Türkiye unity is a guarantee of a just peace in the region. At the same time, our countries are reliable partners playing a strategic role in European energy security.

Year 2023 in the history of the Azerbaijan-Türkiye unshakable unity is marked by the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Türkiye and the birth of National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev. Today, our interstate relations, based on the philosophies of the founder of the Republic of Türkiye, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, “Azerbaijan’s joy is our joy, and its sorrow is ours too” and of Heydar Aliyev “One nation in two states”, serve as an example for the whole world.

I am sure that Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations, established at the highest level by the will of our brotherly peoples, will be further enriched with new achievements and our joint activities will contribute to the process of political and economic integration in Eurasia by turning international initiatives into reality.

I believe that the discussions you will conduct within the framework of this prestigious event will be beneficial for deepening the relations of partnership between countries covering a large geography and for identifying new opportunities for cooperation for the benefit of humanity.

I wish the Summit the best of luck,” highlighted the President in his address.

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“Azerbaijan will continue to be with Türkiye in the process of eliminating the disasters of the earthquake that occurred in Türkiye,” noted in the address of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit, APA’s Istanbul bureau reports.

The address was voiced by the Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov participated in the Summit.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

German President: Germany supports Brussels peace agenda

The President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in a meeting with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in Berlin, said that his country supports the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, APA reports.

German President noted that he hoped that a peace treaty would be signed between the two countries soon.

German President emphasized that his country, as a member state to the European Union, supports Brussels peace agenda implemented by the mediation of the President of the European Union Charles Michele.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Thousands of candidates run for parliamentary, municipal elections in Kazakhstan – ambassador

As many as 12,451 candidates were nominated for the elections to the Kazakh Mazhilis (the lower house of the parliament) and maslikhats (local representative bodies), Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Azerbaijan Serzhan Abdykarimov said at a press conference on the upcoming Kazakh Parliamentary elections, Trend reports.

A total of 11,735 candidates are running for election to maslikhats, while 716 people are nominated for the lower house of the parliament.

Abdykarimov noted that observers from 10 international organizations were invited to observe the elections, including the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The ambassador added that observers from 34 states, including Azerbaijan, would also partake in the event.

Meanwhile, the election campaign continues up until now and are supposed to last until midnight on March 18. Elections are scheduled for March 19.

Source: Trend News Agency