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King of Malaysia congrats President Ilham Aliyev on election win

BAKU: King of Malaysia Sultan Ibrahim has sent a congratulatory letter to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on his confident victory in the presidential election, Trend reports.

“Your Excellency,

Raja Zarith Sofiah joins me in extending our heartiest congratulations and warmest felicitations to Your Excellency on your re-election as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

We are confident that under Your wise and able leadership, the people of Azerbaijan will continue to achieve greater prospect and prosperity.

I pray to Allah the Almighty to bestow upon Your Excellency continued good health, happiness, and greater success as you lead Azerbaijan to greater and newer heights.

May the long-standing brotherly relations and friendly ties between Malaysia and the Republic of Azerbaijan also continue to flourish and strengthen bringing mutual benefits to our two peoples,” the letter reads.

Source: Trend News Agency