Azerbaijan Boosts Hydropower Capacity in Liberated Territories

BAKU — Azerbaijan has significantly increased its hydropower capacity in the territories liberated in the recent conflict, with the construction of new small hydroelectric power stations (SHPSs) in the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, according to Teymur Abdullayev, head of the Public Relations Center of “Azerenergy” OJSC.

According to Azeri-Press News Agency, Abdullayev reported that 32 hydroelectric power stations, providing a total capacity of 270 MW, have been commissioned. Notably, the “Zar” SHPS in Kalbajar and the “Toganali” SHPS in Goygol district, which were inaugurated by President Ilham Aliyev on September 2, have capacities of 4.3 MW and 4.1 MW, respectively. These stations are expected to generate up to 25 million kilowatt-hours of green energy annually, saving approximately 5.5 million cubic meters of natural gas and reducing carbon emissions by over 10,000 tons.

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