Azerbaijan Central Election Commission Reviews Snap Parliamentary Election

BAKU—The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan convened today under the leadership of Mazahir Panahov to review protocols and consider appeals from the recent snap parliamentary election held on September 1.

According to Trend News Agency, the main agenda of the meeting was to approve the protocol from the CEC’s previous session on September 12 and to address appeals received in the aftermath of the election. The session underscores the commission’s ongoing efforts to ensure transparency and accuracy in the electoral process.

The snap parliamentary election witnessed significant participation both locally and internationally. A total of 112,749 local observers were registered, with more than 65,000 representing various political parties. Additionally, the election attracted 598 international observers from 51 organizations spanning 69 countries, highlighting its global interest.

Of the 990 candidates who contested in the election, 305 were representatives of 25 different political parties. While 371 candidates were affiliated with political parties, they were not formally nominated by those parties. In total, 676 candidates had affiliations with political parties, showcasing a diverse political landscape.

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