Azerbaijan Nominates Musa Gasimli for Parliamentary Deputy Chair Position

Musa Gasimli has been officially nominated for the role of deputy chairman in the Azerbaijani Parliament, following a recent decision by a group of independent Azerbaijani MPs, Trend News Agency reports. This nomination comes in the wake of a snap parliamentary election held in Azerbaijan on September 1, which saw significant local and international observer participation.

According to Trend News Agency, the snap parliamentary election attracted a considerable number of observers with 112,749 locals and 598 international representatives monitoring the proceedings. These international observers came from 51 organizations across 69 countries, highlighting the global interest in Azerbaijan’s parliamentary processes. The election featured 990 candidates, out of which 305 were from 25 different political parties. Interestingly, 371 candidates, although affiliated with political parties, were not officially nominated by those parties, bringing the total number of politically affiliated candidates to 676.

The Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan, on September 21, validated these election results, paving the way for subsequent nominations and appointments within the parliament, including that of Musa Gasimli.

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