Azerbaijan Unveils Modernized School in Khankendi

KHANKENDI, Azerbaijan — The city of Khankendi has welcomed the reopening of full secondary school No. 4, named after Nizami Ganjavi, following extensive renovations that began earlier this year. The school, capable of accommodating 624 students, marks a significant improvement in educational facilities in the region.

According to Trend News Agency, as reported by Trend News Agency, the school overhaul, which started in May, has transformed the 0.67-hectare site into a state-of-the-art educational institution. The school now features 11 new classrooms, specialized labs for chemistry, physics, and biology, technology and informatics rooms, two STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) rooms, and additional facilities including a pre-conscription training room, a library, assembly and sports halls, and a canteen.

The renovated school aims to provide enhanced educational opportunities and foster a conducive learning environment for the youth of Khankendi, reflecting the government’s commitment to investing in the future of its young citizens.

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