Azerbaijan Unveils New Armored Vehicle at International Defense Exhibition

BAKU—Azerbaijan has introduced a new armored vehicle, the ITX-20 H, marking a significant advancement in the country’s defense manufacturing capabilities.

According to Azeri-Press News Agency, the ITX-20 H was showcased for the first time at the Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition “ADEX-2024” in Baku. This vehicle, designed for MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) class personnel transportation, combines heavy-duty armor with a shooting tower, ensuring enhanced safety and support capabilities for personnel. Weighing 19.5 tons, the ITX-20 H boasts full resistance to anti-tank mines and machine gun fire, highlighting its robust design.

Farid Abdullayev, manager of the demining project for Improtex Group LLC, discussed the vehicle’s market potential. He noted that there is significant interest from South Asian and South American countries. Abdullayev emphasized the dual focus of the company: prioritizing Azerbaijan’s internal military needs while also exploring export opportunities. He expressed confidence in the growth of Azerbaijan’s defense industry, citing its potential for becoming a key player in the global defense market.

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