Azerbaijani Academician Advocates for Common Alphabet in Turkic World

BAKU—At the third meeting of the Turkic World Common Alphabet Commission, Academician Nizami Jafarov, Head of the Ataturk Center of Azerbaijan, voiced strong support for the development of a unified alphabet for Turkic languages, emphasizing its cultural rather than political significance.

According to Azerbaijan State News Agency, Jafarov addressed concerns that discussions about a common alphabet were politically driven, clarifying that the initiative aims to enhance linguistic cohesion among Turkic-speaking nations. He advocated for reduced phonetic differentiation and increased integration across the Turkic world, which he believes will foster greater understanding and cooperation among these countries.

The move towards a common alphabet is seen as a step towards deepening cultural ties and facilitating communication across the Turkic-speaking regions, reflecting a shared heritage and a future of increased collaboration.

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