Azerbaijani Ambassador Accuses Zatulin of Disrupting Peace Efforts in Russia

MOSCOW — Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia, Polad Bullbuloglu, has publicly accused Konstantin Zatulin, a figure in Russian politics, of executing the political agendas of Armenian backers within Russia, as revealed in a statement to State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

According to Azeri-Press News Agency, which he claims represents “caring people in Russia,” actually supports separatists and stokes revanchist sentiments within Armenian society. The ambassador criticized Zatulin’s references to former leaders of the separatist regime and others he termed as terrorists responsible for the deaths of innocent Azerbaijanis. “It seems that Zatulin, being a ‘persona non grata’ in Armenia, continues to propagate expansionist views and narratives in Russian society, fulfills the political orders of his Armenian patrons living in the Russian Federation, and at the same time carries out provocative activities aimed at the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” Bullbuloglu stated. He expressed concern over the potential damage such actions could inflict on Azerbaijan-Russia relations.

Highlighting the context of strengthened Azerbaijan-Russia relations, especially following President Vladimir Putin’s recent state visit to Azerbaijan, Bullbuloglu emphasized the reaffirmed high level of bilateral cooperation and Putin’s commitment to fostering long-term peace, security, and stability in the South Caucasus region.

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