Azerbaijani Doctors Convene in Helsinki to Discuss Healthcare Innovations

HELSINKI — A gathering of Azerbaijani doctors residing in Finland took place at the Azerbaijan House in Helsinki, aimed at enhancing healthcare practices through international collaboration.

According to Trend News Agency, the event was orchestrated by Ulviya Jabbarova, the coordinator of Scandinavian Azerbaijanis in Finland and head of both the Azerbaijani-Turkish youth organization and the Azerbaijan House in Helsinki. Participants shared insights from their professional experiences and discussed forthcoming innovations in Azerbaijan’s healthcare sector.

During the meeting, topics such as the exchange of knowledge in healthcare, potential joint projects, and the integration of Finnish healthcare models and technologies into Azerbaijani systems were explored. Emphasis was placed on the potential benefits of adopting Finland’s advancements in digital health systems, family medicine, and inter-community health services.

The State Committee for Work with Diaspora of Azerbaijan, which reported on the meeting, highlighted the primary goal of the event: to forge deeper healthcare ties between Finland and Azerbaijan. This collaboration is expected to lead to the exchange of best practices, the application of Finnish healthcare innovations in Azerbaijan, and ultimately, the enhancement of medical service quality in Azerbaijan.

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