Azerbaijan’s Constitutional Court Reviews Parliamentary Election Results

BAKU, Azerbaijan — The Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan convened a session to examine the documents submitted by the Central Election Commission (CEC) and to approve the results of the recent snap parliamentary election, as outlined by the CEC Chairman and various legal experts.

According to Trend News Agency, the session was led by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan, Farhad Abdullayev, who opened the proceedings attended by members of the board and the court secretary. The comprehensive review included reports from the CEC on the election’s preparation, execution, and the high participation levels. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the CEC, provided a detailed narrative starting from the electoral preparation initiated by a presidential decree on June 28, 2024, which scheduled the snap election for September 1, 2024.

Panahov detailed the CEC’s actions following the decree, including the immediate development of a Calendar Plan and the commencement of candidate nominations and registrations. “For the first time in the history of elections, there was a high level of activity from candidates and the Azerbaijani public in terms of participation,” Panahov stated. He noted the transparent and open registration of candidates and the timely production and distribution of ballots.

Furthermore, the session addressed the oversight and transparency of the election, with 112,749 local observers and 598 international observers monitoring the process. Panahov emphasized that all complaints received were reviewed, leading to the annulment of results at 35 polling stations in 17 electoral districts without affecting the overall outcome.

The court also heard from Judge Kamran Shafiyev regarding 13 complaints related to the election processed by the Republican Prosecutor’s Office and forwarded to the CEC, which were found not to impact the general results. Rapporteur Judge Rovshan Ismayilov provided additional insights into the election’s conduct and results.

The Constitutional Court’s session reflects Azerbaijan’s ongoing efforts to ensure transparency and fairness in its electoral processes, setting a procedural standard for future elections.

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