Azerbaijan’s Prime Minister Sets Robust Agenda for Socio-Economic Advancement

BAKU—Azerbaijan’s Prime Minister, Ali Asadov, has outlined a comprehensive set of priorities aimed at steering the country through its next phase of socio-economic development, with a strong focus on non-oil economic growth, national security, and renewable energy initiatives.

According to Trend News Agency, during a speech at the Cabinet of Ministers where the draft state budget for 2025 was discussed, Prime Minister Asadov detailed the government’s ongoing commitment to the “Socio-economic development strategy for 2022-2026”. He stressed the importance of effective task execution by relevant governmental bodies, with an emphasis on enhancing oversight of their performance. A significant focus of the government’s agenda is the reconstruction of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, which Asadov noted as pivotal for boosting the development of the non-oil economy in the medium term.

The Prime Minister also reaffirmed the commitment to the “State Program for the socio-economic development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027”, urging leaders of central executive bodies to prioritize its implementation. This includes regular support and on-site monitoring, as mandated by the head of state. Additionally, military expenditures will continue to be a substantial portion of the state budget, with plans to enhance national security and modernize the defense industry to address contemporary challenges.

In the realm of energy, Asadov highlighted the strategic initiative to advance renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind, and mentioned the establishment of a green energy zone in Karabakh. Addressing the environmental challenges, he called for increased efforts in mine clearance in liberated territories to facilitate rapid reconstruction. The upcoming hosting of COP29 in Azerbaijan was also noted as a reflection of the country’s growing international reputation, with high expectations for its organization.

The Prime Minister underscored several economic priorities, including ensuring food security, enhancing import substitution, and diversifying exports. Public investment efficiency, stimulation of private investment, and development of public-private partnerships, complemented by tax incentives, are planned to bolster economic resilience. In terms of water resource management, the “National Strategy for the Rational Use of Water Resources” for 2024-2040 aims to enhance management, prevent pollution, and modernize irrigation systems, particularly in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur regions.

Asadov’s speech also covered significant reforms in education, aiming to align the national system with international standards and improve educational quality. Healthcare, social protection, culture, and youth policy reforms are also on the agenda from 2025 to 2028. He concluded by highlighting Azerbaijan’s progress in budget transparency, with the country improving its rank in the Open Budget Index 2023, and reiterated the government’s commitment to fostering a favorable investment climate and entrepreneurship through various fiscal reforms.

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