Baku Unveils Major Updates to “mygov” E-Government Platform

BAKU – A significant event spotlighting the latest enhancements to Azerbaijan’s “mygov” e-government platform was held in Baku, featuring keynotes from top digital development officials. The updates aim to transform service delivery by shifting a significant portion of governmental services to digital formats, enhancing efficiency and reducing environmental impacts.

According to Trend News Agency, Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport, Samir Mammadov, detailed the ambitious plan to digitalize 15 percent of citizen services by year’s end. “With ‘mygov,’ citizens can manage personal data, receive important notifications, and streamline bureaucratic processes online, eliminating the need to physically visit government offices,” Mammadov explained. He also noted the integration of over 1,700 organizations into the Digital Document Management System (DDMS), which supports substantial paper savings and corresponds with Azerbaijan’s environmental goals as the chair of COP29.

Inara Valiyeva, Chairperson of the Board at the Agency for Innovation and Digital Development, emphasized the strategic importance of maintaining competition and adaptability within the digital ecosystem. “Sustainability for us means ensuring ‘mygov’ remains adaptable and not a monopoly, promoting independence and cooperation within the digital landscape,” Valiyeva stated, highlighting the platform’s foundational design to support long-term, effective functionality.

Rashad Khaligov, Deputy Chairman of the Board at the Innovation and Digital Development Agency, discussed the practical benefits of the updated “mygov” platform, particularly in handling significant life events. “The platform simplifies procedures for registering marriages, births, and deaths, allowing these documents to be processed and stored digitally,” Khaligov said. The “my data” section of the app now hosts over forty different types of records accessible in digital formats, such as QR codes or PDFs, and provides robust controls for personal data privacy and sharing.

This presentation not only marks a step forward in Azerbaijan’s digital governance but also sets a benchmark for integrating technology with administrative services, aiming for a more connected and efficient public sector.

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