China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway Heralded as Economic Milestone for Central Asia

Bishkek—The development of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway is being touted as a significant economic breakthrough for Central Asia, according to Kyrgyzstan’s Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Bakyt Torobayev.

According to Trend News Agency, Torobayev highlighted the project’s importance during a meeting with Zhang Jianhua, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Capital and Overseas Investment at China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). “The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railroad is a breakthrough for the whole of Central Asia. It will boost trade, attract investment, and create new jobs, as well as improve the living standards of the population in the region,” Torobayev stated.

The railway project, described by Torobayev as not just another infrastructure endeavor but a strategic initiative, aims to transform the economic landscape of the region by enhancing connectivity and opening new avenues for economic development. He emphasized the necessity for financial investment and robust cooperation among all stakeholders, underscoring the commitment to transparency and favorable conditions for investors.

Significant milestones in the project’s progress include the signing of an intergovernmental agreement in Beijing on June 6, 2024, followed by the establishment of the joint venture company, China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway Company LLC, on July 26, 2024. These steps mark critical advancements toward the project’s realization and the broader economic integration of Central Asia.

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