Citizens in 9 Countries Plan Historic Wave of Climate Civil Disobedience

In the coming weeks, cities in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the UK, and the United States will see sustained disruptions

Save Old Growth roadblock

Save Old Growth roadblock

WASHINGTON, March 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In the coming weeks, the Global Civil Resistance Coalition, an umbrella coalition of nine citizen groups including Fireproof Australia, Save Old Growth, Last Generation Germany, Dernière Rénovation, Last Generation Italy, Extinction Rebellion Norway, Renovate Switzerland, Declare Emergency, and Just Stop Oil, plans an unprecedented level of nonviolent disruption in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the UK, and the United States to halt the climate and ecological emergency. This international uprising will include hunger strikes and other dramatic actions.

After a 1.2 degrees Celsius increase in global average temperatures, and with Russia waging the latest fossil-fueled war on its neighbor, ordinary people are taking action against mass starvation, mass displacement, and social collapse. These multiracial, multigenerational, and cross-class groups will go as far as it takes, nonviolently, to win. Some participants have been arrested multiple times in previous protests which included road blockages.

Each of the nine country groups has a different policy demand that is specific and broadly popular. For example, in the province of British Columbia, Canada, Save Old Growth is calling to halt logging of old-growth forest, a demand more than 80% of Canadians support.

The campaign will continue for several weeks.

Volunteers are welcome.

Fireproof Australia

Save Old Growth (Canada)

Last Renovation France | Dernière Rénovation

Last Generation Germany|Aufstand Der Letzer Generation

Last Generation Italy|Ultima Generazione

Extinction Rebellion Norway |

Renovate Switzerland |

Just Stop Oil (UK)

Declare Emergency (U.S.) |

Megan Bell from Save Old Growth in Canada says, “We have to get them to stop. I don’t want to do this, but I know I have to. We are in the midst of a climate crisis, and we have to act.”

Carla Hinrichs from the German group “Last Generation” says, “The government must stop all investment, support and building of fossil fuel projects worldwide. We must stop this fossil madness now. It is our duty.”  

Linda Edwards from Declare Emergency in the United States says: “I live in Rochester, New York. I’m a mother and retired college professor. I went down to D.C. and sat on the road for three days to call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency. And I’ll do it again and again and again until he does. I believe rebellion is the only thing that will work. I will not sit idly by while the future of all life on Earth needs my help. The time for action is now!”

Media Contacts:

Australia +61 435 750 814, Canada 778-316-8025, France +33667684586, Germany +49641201099549, Italy +39 379 297 5373, Norway +47 406 05 938, Switzerland +4179 727 99 29, United States +1 585 709 3759 

Related Images

Image 1: Save Old Growth roadblock

A roadblock in Vancouver

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