Eel Electric to Boost Electrical Equipment Manufacturing in Aghdam

AGHDAM — Eel Electric, a manufacturer of electrical equipment, has recently disclosed details about its operations within the Aghdam Industrial Park, revealing significant plans to expand its production capabilities using advanced technologies.

According to Trend News Agency, Vusal Mirzayev, the Director of Eel Electric LLC, outlined the company’s strategy during a recent interview. Eel Electric plans to specialize in the production of electrical distribution equipment, with products ranging from 35 kV to 0.4 kV. The manufacturing will incorporate cutting-edge European and Turkish technologies across its two bases located on a 1.7-hectare site within the industrial park. The first of these bases is already operational.

The company aims to significantly impact the local job market, with plans to employ 70 individuals, primarily sourced from Aghdam and its surrounding districts. This initiative is part of a broader investment exceeding 3 million manat ($1.7 million), demonstrating a robust commitment to revitalizing the region’s industrial sector and contributing to its economic recovery.

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