EU Seeks Renewed Nuclear Dialogue with Iran, Highlights Concerns Over Missile Exports

BRUSSELS—Peter Stano, European Commission Spokesperson, stated in an exclusive interview with Trend News Agency that the European Union is actively working to engage Iran, the U.S., and other signatories of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to revitalize diplomatic efforts for meaningful nuclear negotiations.

According to Trend News Agency, Stano emphasized the EU’s commitment as the coordinator of the JCPOA under UN Security Council Resolution 2231, underscoring the critical role of diplomacy in addressing the complexities of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. He highlighted concerns raised by recent International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports regarding Iran’s nuclear trajectory and its insufficient cooperation with the agency.

“The European Union is deeply troubled by Iran’s continued advancement in nuclear proliferation and its ongoing exports of ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially to Russia,” Stano noted. He called on Iran to halt its nuclear activities and end its weapons exports to Russia, actions he condemned for violating the UN Charter and international laws, potentially leading to significant regional and global repercussions.

Stano further detailed the EU’s balanced policy approach, which remains open to critical engagement and diplomatic dialogues where mutual interests converge. “We are prepared to address critical issues diplomatically and have already initiated contact with Iran’s new leadership, including President Pezeshkian and Foreign Minister Araghchi,” he added, indicating a proactive stance toward fostering dialogue on sensitive international matters.

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