Railway Leaders Convene in Baku to Forge “Eurasian Transport Route” Union

BAKU – Top railway officials from across Eurasia gathered in Baku to discuss the formation of the “Eurasian Transport Route” International Association, aimed at enhancing coordination across a vast transportation network stretching from China to Europe.

According to Trend News Agency, Rovshan Rustamov, Chairman of the Board of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, highlighted Azerbaijan’s leadership in initiating the establishment of the “Eurasian Multimodal Transport Route” association. This new entity is set to oversee the development of route concepts, tariff policies, and the integration of digital technologies to streamline transportation across the region. Rustamov pointed out the strategic importance of this initiative, noting the involvement of major global players like China and Austria, which reflects the route’s potential to reshape regional cargo transit dynamics.

The consultative meeting featured insights from several key stakeholders including Yang Bin from the Chinese Railway Container Transport Corporation and Eniko Gyorfi from the Austrian Federal Railways. They discussed the increasing need for efficient cargo routes due to rising global freight demands, which are projected to reach 28 trillion ton-kilometers by 2050. The proposed association is aligned with China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative, aiming to bolster the number of train routes and volumes transported across the Eurasian continent.

Contributions from other countries such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were also significant, with Zufar Narzullaev and Sorbon Kulakhmadov respectively discussing their countries’ efforts in modernizing railway infrastructure and expanding transport capacities to meet the rising demands of international trade.

Austrian representative Gyorfi emphasized Azerbaijan’s pivotal role in linking Europe and Asia, portraying the “Eurasian Transport Route” as a vital artery for economic connections across continents. The meeting underscored the collaborative spirit of the initiative, projecting it as a symbol of interconnectedness and shared prosperity for the involved nations.

The successful conclusion of the meeting was marked by the signing of a protocol, setting the foundational steps towards realizing a more integrated and efficient Eurasian transportation corridor.

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