Russia Extradites Four Wanted Azerbaijani Nationals

BAKU — The Republic of Azerbaijan has successfully secured the extradition of four of its nationals from Russia, who were internationally wanted for alleged criminal activities. This move comes as part of Azerbaijan’s ongoing cooperation with international law enforcement bodies.

According to Azeri-Press News Agency, the extradition was facilitated under the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, dated October 7, 2002. The extradited individuals, Farid Rashidovich Bolayev, Samandar Khalilov Sarif, Panah Babayev Ahliman, and Ilham Mashadiyev Gabil, are suspected of committing criminal acts as defined in Azerbaijan’s Criminal Code and have been formally charged. They were apprehended in Russia and returned to Azerbaijan on August 23, 2024, accompanied by a special convoy from the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice.

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