Tajikistan Eyes Iranian Oil and Gas Expertise in Bilateral Talks

Tajikistan — Tajikistan is actively seeking collaboration with Iran to boost its oil and gas sector capabilities. This initiative was discussed during a high-level meeting between the Tajik Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Daler Juma, and the newly appointed Iranian Oil Minister, Mohsen Paknejad, as part of Juma’s working visit to Iran.

According to Trend News Agency, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan, the talks aimed to deepen sectorial cooperation between the two nations. The discussions covered various strategic topics, including attracting Iranian investments in Tajikistan’s oil and gas sector, possible crude oil imports from Iran with proposed discounts, and an exchange of expertise between specialists from both countries. This bilateral dialogue underscores a significant shift towards enhancing energy collaboration and economic ties between Tajikistan and Iran.

In addition to the oil and gas discussions, Minister Juma also engaged with Iranian Energy Minister Abbas Aliabadi. Their conversations revolved around broader regional energy and environmental strategies, particularly focusing on the Rogun hydroelectric power plant and its importance to Central Asia’s energy landscape. They also deliberated on Tajikistan’s efforts to reintegrate into the unified energy system of Central Asia, and strategies for the transportation of crude oil essential for Tajikistan’s refineries.

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