Turkmenistan Investment Forum Secures Multiple International Agreements

ASHGABAT—Turkmenistan’s Investment Forum (TIF 2024) concluded successfully, witnessing robust participation from global representatives and securing several international agreements aimed at enhancing economic cooperation.

According to Trend News Agency, the Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Hojamyrat Geldimyradov, delivered a comprehensive report at a cabinet meeting presided over by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Geldimyradov highlighted the attendance of representatives from 44 countries and 22 international organizations, including foreign government agencies, companies, and embassies accredited in Turkmenistan. The forum featured three plenary sessions, seven specialized sessions on key economic sectors, and four roundtable discussions, reflecting a broad and inclusive approach to fostering dialogue and partnerships.

During the event, which took place in Ashgabat from September 10 through 11, nine memoranda, five agreements, and eight contracts were signed between Turkmen entities and their international counterparts. Geldimyradov noted that the forum facilitated over 80 meetings with international organizations and financial institutions, discussing prospects for enhanced economic relations.

The forum also served as a showcase for Turkmenistan’s investment potential in various sectors of its economy, with ongoing projects and favorable conditions for foreign investors being prominently featured. Foreign experts in attendance recognized Turkmenistan’s increasing international stature and its adherence to global commitments.

President Berdimuhamedov emphasized the forum’s role in strengthening Turkmenistan’s economic ties with the international community and in establishing new business contacts, particularly highlighting its significance in attracting investments to critical sectors such as hydrocarbons, the TAPI pipeline project, gas chemistry, electric power, construction, and transportation.

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