Turkmenistan’s Marine Merchant Fleet Reports Increase in Cargo Volumes

ASHGABAT — The Marine Merchant Fleet of Turkmenistan has experienced a notable increase in cargo transportation, moving over 1.609 million tons of cargo from January through August 2024, according to a report by Trend News Agency.

According to Trend News Agency, this figure represents a 6.64 percent increase from the 1.509 million tons transported during the same period in 2023. The Fleet’s performance also includes a significant 27.7 percent rise in container transportation, handling 3,838 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEU) compared to last year. However, the transportation of vehicles slightly declined by 1.52 percent, with a total of 12,170 cars moved.

The Marine Merchant Fleet, a closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC), was formed in 2015 following the reorganization of the “Turkmen Marine Fleet Administration.” Its primary shareholders include the agency “Turkmendenizderyayollary” holding 70 percent of the shares, Turkmenbashi International Sea Port with 20 percent, the production association “Deryayollary” with 9 percent, and CJSC “Altyn Asyr” owning 1 percent.

The fleet currently operates 20 vessels, equipped to transport a diverse range of cargo including oil, oil products, vehicles, passengers, and various types of dry cargo, contributing to Turkmenistan’s capacity as a regional transportation hub.

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