Uzbekistan Emphasizes Climate Resilience in Transport Sector Development

SAMARKAND — Uzbekistan is integrating climate resilience into the development of its transport infrastructure, according to Deputy Minister of Transport Jasurbek Choriyev. He spoke at a panel entitled “Investing in Resilient Roads for a Better Tomorrow,” part of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) annual meeting.

According to Trend News Agency, Choriyev outlined Uzbekistan’s strategic approach, which not only seeks to mitigate the impacts of climate change but also adapt to them. The strategy includes bolstering the resilience of roads, railways, and other modes of transport to withstand environmental challenges. A significant aspect of this initiative is the push towards electric vehicles and trains to diminish reliance on fossil fuels, reduce emissions, and contribute to broader global climate efforts.

Choriyev highlighted the centrality of the transport sector to Uzbekistan’s national strategy, emphasizing its role in supporting the country’s evolving demographic and economic landscape. “Our country is undergoing significant transformations, with a growing population, expanding cities, and a diversifying economy. To support this growth, we are investing substantial resources in modernizing our domestic and international transport networks to meet 21st-century demands,” he explained.

The collaboration with the AIIB has already initiated transformative projects that are expected to redefine Uzbekistan’s transportation framework. Choriyev detailed the challenges posed by climate change, such as rising temperatures, altering precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events, which necessitate enhanced resilience of transport infrastructure.

“Our commitment to creating climate-resilient infrastructure is manifested in our low-carbon strategy, which outlines our approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving infrastructure resilience,” Choriyev stated. He also noted the need for a reliable transport infrastructure to support the transition to electrification, including the development of charging stations, power lines, and the integration of smart grid technologies.

The AIIB’s annual meeting, hosted for the first time in Central Asia in Samarkand on September 25-26, 2024, under the theme “Building Resilient Infrastructure for All,” will feature over 25 panel discussions. These discussions will focus on innovations in infrastructure financing, climate resilience, sustainable development, and the digital transformation of infrastructure projects.

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