4th contract was signed with “Performance Consulting” LLC for advertising services

The Foundation for Educational Student Loans (FESL) under the Ministry of Science and Education signed a contract with “Performance Consulting” LLC on March 29 for the provision of advertising services of propaganda and agitation nature for 12 months in line with the results of the tender.

According to the unified portal of state electronic procurement https://etender.gov.az/main/competition/detail/282724 , the cost of the contract is 219.000 manats. This is the 4th agreement between these parties in the last 10 months.

Services include: shooting 6 videos each for 30 seconds about educational student loans, placing them on TV and radio broadcasts for a total of 900 impressions, advertising videos on various social networks, as well as placing and broadcasting videos on billboards, banners and LED monitors located on the territory of higher educational institutions and student dormitories in Baku and other cities of republican significance.

Note that the previous agreement between FESL and “Performance Consulting” LLC was signed on December 5 last year without a competitive procedure. “Consumer services” required within 12 months were estimated at 123.9 thousand manats. https://etender.gov.az/main/competition/detail/276229

In May 2022, the parties signed two contracts (with a total cost of 38.600 manats for the provision of advertising services and organization of events. https://etender.gov.az/main/competition/detail/268845 https://etender.gov.az/main/competition/detail/268722 .

As a reminder, “Performance Consulting” LLC (TIN: 1405395671) was established in January 2021. https://vergiler.az/news_print.php?announcement_id=32811 The first director of the company was Ramin Oktay oglu Jafarov https://www.facebook.com/Mr .Jafarov. The legal address of the company is his apartment in Baku. At present, Ramin Jafarov holds the position of head of the department of administrative management of the foundation for the development of education under the Ministry of Education and Science. The “Performance Consulting” company is now run by his mother, Raida Jafarova https://www.facebook.com/alibaba.qirxquldur.9 .

It ought to be noted that a month earlier (December 15, 2020), the company “Performance Construction Repair and Supply” (TIN: 1405357321) was established, about the activities of which there is no public information.

The authorized fund of FESL paid by the state https://www.facebook.com/tehsiltelebekrediti / is 80 million manats. The Foundation has started distributing educational loans since November 25, 2021. Responding to a written request from IA Turan, the Foundation noted that for the 2021-2022 academic year 10, 597 students appled to the electronic system https://www.e-ttkf.edu.az/account/login /?ReturnUrl=%2f 10,597.

According to 6,815 satisfied applications to educational institutions of the country, 5.991.947 manats ($3.5 million) were paid with due regard for the insurance premium. In the autumn semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, the Foundation issued 6,003 out of 7,914 applications for loans. As of March 15, 4,088 student applications were received for the spring semester, of which 1,987 were issued for a loan. At the same time, FESL does not report on loans for the 2022-2023 academic year.

To remind, FESL employs 22 people. So far, the fund has not disclosed financial statements for 2021 and 2022.

Source: Turan News Agency