Baku City Executive Authority hosts scientific-practical conference

A scientific-practical conference has been held at the Baku City Executive Authority.

The event was attended by well-known socio-political, scientific and cultural figures of Azerbaijan, as well as historians, scientists, politicians, economists, journalists, religious figures, MPs and Patriotic War veterans.

The conference was dedicated to the preparations for the publication of the second book, which is a sequel to the “History of the Patriotic War – Personality Factor” book prepared by the Baku City Executive Authority and the Institute of History after Bakikhanov ANAS.

Addressing the event, Head of the Baku City Executive Authority Eldar Azizov said that the new book would reflect the objective and scientific explanation of the important events that took place in Azerbaijan following the post-Patriotic War period from the point of view of the genius, commander Ilham Aliyev.

Due to the great interest of readers and experts from Azerbaijan as well as from abroad, the first book was published in eight l
anguages – Azerbaijani, Turkish, English, Russian, Arabic, Persian, Chinese and Urdu. The translation and publication of the book in Spanish and French are now under progress.

Other speakers at the event included President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli, Chairman of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan Elbay Gasimzade, Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva, Chairman of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children’s Affairs Bahar Muradova, Director of ANAS Institute of History, Professor Karim Shukurov, MPs Musa Guliyev, Hikmat Babaoglu, Musa Gasimli and Elchin Ahmadov, Professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Political Sciences.

In their remarks, the speakers highlighted the importance of the book and analyzed some topics that will be included in the book, engaging in an extensive exchange of ideas.

The book is scheduled to be published by the end of this year.

Source: Azerbaijan State News

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