Baku, Prague must intensify trade and mutual investments – Czech FM

Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic must intensify trade and mutual investments, Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhanek, who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, said during the joint press conference with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, Trend reports on Sept. 30.

“We greatly value our strategic partnership based on the 2015 joint declaration,” Kulhanek added. “We would like to deepen our mutually beneficial cooperation. Azerbaijan is not only our key energy supplier.”

“I believe that as we are emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, we can add much more to our bilateral relations,” the Czech foreign minister said. “We should work together to further intensify trade and investments between our two countries. In this area, I see a lot of untapped potentials. I am here in Baku with more than 17 Czech companies.”

Kulhanek said that those companies are well known for their innovative solutions.

There are companies working in tourism, finance, banking, industrial sectors, and manufacturing, the Czech foreign minister added.

Kulhanek said that there is ample potential for cooperation in the fields of water and waste management, renewable energy, agriculture, and infrastructure.

“Our countries continue developing their successful cooperation in the energy sector,” the Czech foreign minister said. “Today we’re going to sign an agreement on cooperation in the sphere of energy between the ministry of industry and energy and trade of Czech Republic and the ministry of energy of Azerbaijan.”


Source: Trend News Agency

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