EDB allocates financial aid to flood-driven Kazakhstan

ASTANA: The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) made a decision to allocate financial aid to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters in several regions of Kazakhstan. Chairman of the Board of the bank Nikolai Podguzov said, Trend reports.

“Realizing the significance of the situation in Kazakhstan, we have sent financial assistance for $1 million to provide support in the regions affected by floods,” he said.

Besides, EDB made a decision to hold the Annual Meeting and Business Forum in 2024 in a reduced format, excluding image events. These events will be held in Kazakhstan.

March brought floods to Kazakhstan. Local emergencies were proclaimed in 8 regions. In rescue work, tens of thousands participated. The floods in Kazakhstan evacuated more than 119,000 people.

To note, the EDB is a multilateral development bank that carries out investment activities in the Eurasian space. For more than 18 years, the EDB has been promoting the strengthening and expansion of economic ties and the comprehensive develo
pment of its member countries. The EDB’s authorized capital is $7 billion. The bulk of the EDB’s portfolio consists of projects with an integration effect in the areas of transportation infrastructure, digital systems, green energy, agriculture, industry, and mechanical engineering.

Source: Trend News Agency