Farmers take loans for development of dairy sector for 120.4 million soms

At least 311 loans were provided for 120.4 million soms for the development of the dairy sector. The Ministry of Finance of Kyrgyzstan provided the data.

Farmers in Jalal-Abad region (29.5 million soms) and Issyk-Kul region (25.3 million soms) received most of the loans. Lending volumes are the lowest in Bishkek (1.3 million soms) and Batken region (2.4 million soms).

The Financial and Credit Fund issues loans for the purchase of cattle (cows) for production of milk or to increase the number of cattle. The loan amount is not more than 500,000 soms to individuals and not more than 1 million soms to farms. The term of the loan is up to three years, including a grace period of up to nine months for repayment of the principal amount. The interest rate on the loan is 6 percent per annum.

Loans are issued against collateral. At the same time, it is planned to provide a loan of up to 150,000 soms under guarantee.

Source: News Agency