Georgian banking sector accounts for significant part of total loans countrywide

Georgian’s banking sector accounts for 92 percent of the total loans across country, Trend reports via the National Bank of Georgia (NBG).

As of June 2021, 1.82 million active borrowers were registered in the country, of which 1.61 million or 88.6 percent are creditors of the banking sector.

Some 92 percent of the total loans were issued by the banking sector. In particular, loans worth 28.67 billion lari ($9.1 billion) were issued in June, of which 26.35 billion lari ($8.4 billion) – by banks.

According to the statistics, 555,887 people are lenders of other financial institutions (microfinance, lending entities) regulated by the NBG, the volume of loans amounts to 1.79 billion lari ($571.3 million). Another 21,316 people borrowed 525.2 million lari ($167.5 million) from leasing, construction and other companies.


Source: TREND News Agency

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