Iran’s nuclear program includes everything except weapon – official

BAKU: Iran’s nuclear program includes everything except a nuclear weapon, Mehdi Mohammadi, the strategic advisor to the speaker of the Iranian parliament, wrote on his page on X, Trend reports.

As he noted, a nuclear program does not equate to a nuclear weapon.

In his opinion, it would make sense to leverage the nuclear program’s capability to raise the level of work with substances and equipment in response to threats.

“This has been done before and can be done again,” he wrote.

To note, the Comprehensive Plan of Joint Action on Iran’s nuclear program was implemented between Iran and the P5+1 group (the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany) in January 2016. The US announced in May 2018 that it was withdrawing from the plan and imposed sanctions on Iran in November of the same year. Iran has announced that there will be no restrictions on the Iran nuclear deal in 2020.

In late 2020, the Iranian parliament adopted a strategic plan to counter the sanctions, citing the non-f
ulfillment of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed between Iran and six countries and the imposition of sanctions on Iran.

Based on the decision of the Iranian parliament, as of February 23, Iran stopped the implementation of additional measures and an additional protocol included in the nuclear deal. As a consequence, the monitoring mechanism of the IAEA was reduced by 20-30 percent.

Source: Trend News Agency

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