President Ilham Aliyev: There are good opportunities to broaden and develop the cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia

“The Azerbaijani – Georgian ties have ancient traditions. The will of our peoples that have historically been living in the environment of friendship, good neighborhood and mutual understanding and constantly supported each other, constitutes the foundation of our current interstate relations. It is of utmost pleasure to see that our ties based on mutual trust and confidence have dynamically evolved in last 30 years and reached the level of strategic partnership,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he sent a letter of congratulation to President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.


“The high level of our interstate relations coupled with our constantly broadening political dialogue has strongly stimulated the comprehensive development of our mutually beneficial collaboration in all spheres and opened up favorable possibilities to successfully realize large-scale energy and transportation projects. Today, the important projects implemented jointly by us serve the interests of our States and peoples, contribute to the prosperity, stability and security in our region and have the particular significance for the entire European continent as a whole,” the head of state noted.


“Today, our collaboration in economic, trade, energy, transportation, humanitarian and other areas are among important factors characterizing our strategic partnership. We attach an immense importance to our ties with the friendly Georgia and are committed to expand it further. I think that there are good opportunities to broaden and develop the cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia,” the President said.


“I am confident that using existing opportunities, we will succeed by our joint efforts in strengthening further the ties of exceptional nature and the strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Georgia to ensure the prosperity of our peoples and countries as well as peace, stability and progress in our region,” the Azerbaijani President added.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency