Rare plant species growing in Karabakh will be studied

Rare plant species that grow only in Karabakh will be studied, Head of the Laboratory of Ethnobotany of the Institute of Botany of ANAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva said, APA reports.

According to her, rare species that grow only in Karabakh are expected to be included in the third edition of the Red Book: “Of course, so far we have not been able to explore the territory of Karabakh, but after clearing mines, these lands should be re-explored. In any case, species belonging to a unique flora, which is the only center of their distribution, are subject to protection. These figures will be refined as a result of the study of herbarium materials collected in this area by various botanists, works in this area, especially monographs and chamber analysis of herbarium materials collected by us personally.”

The director said that 121 species of Karabakh plants were not included in either the first or the second edition of the Red Book.

It should be noted that the third edition of the Red Book will be published in 2023.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency