Sadyr Japarov meets with Chairman of State Duma of Russia

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic, as part of his official visit to Russia, met with the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in Rzhev city.

They exchanged views on a number of issues of bilateral cooperation, including the role of inter-parliamentary cooperation in deepening relations between Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

Vyacheslav Volodin, welcoming Sadyr Japarov, noted that the Russian Federation values relations with the Kyrgyz Republic, which are of a comprehensive nature. He stressed the importance of further strengthening friendly relations between Kyrgyzstan and Russia based on the principles of alliance and strategic partnership, while continuing to make every effort for their development.

The head of the State Duma also noted the positive dynamics in bilateral cooperation, in particular in the trade and economic sphere.

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic congratulated Vyacheslav Volodin on the upcoming Victory Day.

According to him, parliamentary diplomacy is an integral part and a very important tool for maintaining and developing bilateral relations between countries.

He stressed that the positive dynamics in the development of Kyrgyz-Russian relations is maintained thanks to the rich and trusting political dialogue between the countries. It is pleasant to note that to date the parliaments of the two countries are effectively cooperating at all platforms of inter-parliamentary dialogue, in particular within the framework of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States, the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly, as well as other international organizations.

Sadyr Japarov noted that inter-parliamentary cooperation between the two countries has great potential and he hopes that work in this direction will be continued.

He added that Kyrgyzstan traditionally attaches particular importance to strengthening and building up trade and economic relations with Russia. At the end of last year, the foreign trade turnover of Kyrgyzstan with Russia reached its record level and exceeded $3 billion. He also noted with satisfaction the developing active cooperation between the two countries within the framework of Eurasian integration. This year, within the framework of Russia’s chairmanship in the EAEU bodies, Kyrgyzstan is ready to fully support the initiatives of the Russian side.

The parties agreed to promote further development of cooperation in the political, trade, investment, cultural, humanitarian and other fields.

Source: News Agency