World Bank: Partnership strategy for Azerbaijan may be ready in June of next year

The World Bank will start preparation of partnership strategies for countries after the end of novel coronavirus, World Bank Country Manager for Azerbaijan Sarah Michael told journalists, APA-Economics reports.

According to her, World Bank has suspended development of partnership strategies for countries due to the pandemics: “We have suspended development of our partnership strategies for countries for 5 years due to pandemics. Because now it is difficult to say how the situation after the pandemics will be. Development of our 5-year strategy for Azerbaijan has delayed because of this.”

S. Michael added that the new partnership strategy of the World Bank for Azerbaijan for 2021-2025 will base on national development strategy developed by the Azerbaijani government. The strategy will also include the restoration of liberated from occupation territories.

“We will develop our strategy coming from priorities of the Azerbaijani government. New partnership strategy for the country is expected to be fully ready in June of the next year,” noted S. Michael.

Bank official also added that financing of new projects can be started without a strategy.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency