10 MEMATT vehicles purchased from Turkey involved in demining the liberated areas

Purchase of 20 mechanical demining equipment of “MEMATT” type in order to use in demining operations in the liberated territories from the occupation is being planned, said Officer of the Engineering Troops, Colonel Jeyhun Bagirov, APA reports.

According to him, half of this equipment has already been brought to the country and implements mine and unexploded ordnance clearance tasks in the liberated territories from the occupation: “MEMATT is effective both in terms of speed and safety.”

J. Bagirov also said that more tanks and anti-personnel mines were found in the area: “Mines, when found, are destroyed on site.”

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

“I came to the cinema completely randomly…” – Interview with People’s Artist Khuraman Gasimova

“I came to the cinema completely randomly. Even though my family has a great interest in the cinema, no one was working in the field of cinema. Neither my parents, nor my sister, nor our close relatives. “Azerbaijanfilm” movie studio has made a statement in 1965 that several new films will be shot. There were “Liftchi Giz” film among them,” said Interview of an opera singer, People’s Artist Khuraman Gasimova in an interview with APA while answering the question “How did you come to the cinema?”.

“Young girls were invited to audition to play the role of Lala, the protagonist of the film. At the same time, a group of employees of the film studio was looking for a young girl for that role. At that time, I was a student of the number 23 secondary school,” she said.

“I was among the girls from our school who have been selected. After 2 months of probation, I was approved for playing the role of LALA image in the “Liftchi giz” film. So, I came to the world of cinema. I won a diploma in the “Transcaucasian Film Competition” for my image in the “Lifthci giz”. After that, I was invited for more two films. I was played the image Saida in the film called “M?n ki göz?l deyildim”, and Hijran image in the film called “H?yat bizi sinayir”. I will be able to successful also here. For my image Saida, I was awarded in the “All-Union Film Festival” held in Ukraine,” Khuraman Gasimova noted.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Zakharova: “Russia continues its efforts for de-escalation of situation on Azerbaijan-Armenia border”

“Russia continues its efforts for de-escalation of situation on Azerbaijan-Armenia border,” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova at a briefing today, APA’s Moscow bureau reports.

“Russia continues its active mediation efforts directed the de-escalation of the situation. Close coordination has been built between Baku and Yerevan through the Foreign and Defense Ministries, Border Service line. Generally, in recent weeks, the tension has been reduced. The relevant consultations continue regarding the Border conflict. We see the delimitation and demarcation of the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia as a long-term and sustainable resolution of the problem,” said the Russian MFA official.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency