Shanghai Cooperation Organization commends AZERTAC news agency for effective media coverage of its activities

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has commended Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZERTAC) for providing effective media coverage of its activities as the news agency was awarded the SCO Certificate of Appreciation.

AZERTAC has received the certificate for its active involvement in promoting the SCO’s activities, its adequate image, as well as covering the activities of the SCO secretariat in the global media arena.

SCO Secretary General Vladimir Norov presented the certificates to AZERTAC, Russian TASS, Chinese Xinhua news agencies, as well as China Central Television (CCTV), Jenmin Jibao, China Daily, Jenmin Huabao newspapers, and Voice of Diplomacy publication during the event held at the SCO Secretariat in Beijing.

Speaking at the event, Vladimir Norov highlighted the activities of the SCO in 2019-2021, during the period he served as Secretary-General, and expressed his gratitude to the media outlets and journalists for keeping under constant focus the organization’s activities.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental organization founded in Shanghai in 2001 by six countries-China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The main objectives of the SCO are to strengthen relations among member states; promote cooperation in political affairs, economics and trade, scientific-technical, cultural, and educational spheres as well as in energy, transportation, tourism, and environmental protection; safeguard regional peace, security, and stability; and create a democratic, equitable international political and economic order.

Azerbaijan was granted the status of a dialogue partner at the Ufa summit in 2015. According to the Memorandum signed in 2016 in Beijing, Azerbaijan and the SCO agreed to cooperate in the various areas of mutual interest such as strengthening regional security and stability; fighting against terrorism, extremism and separatism and etc.

AZERTAC also attended the first Media Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) held in 2018 in Beijing.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijan detects 662 daily COVID-19 cases

Azerbaijan logged 662 new coronavirus infections over the past 24 hours, taking national count to 611,557, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told AZERTAC.

14 people died over the past day, pushing nationwide death toll to 8,222, showed official statistics.

The total recoveries stood at 588,790 as of Tuesday, with 1,452 patients newly recovering from the disease.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Eurasia Review: EU-Azerbaijan relations are developing in context of new geopolitical realities

Eurasia Review journal has published an article by Azerbaijani political analyst Shabnam Hasanova headlined “EU-Azerbaijan relations are developing in context of new geopolitical realities”.

The article reads: “As Azerbaijan’s victory in the 44-day war over Armenia has led to significant changes in the region, EU-Azerbaijan relations also need to be reconsidered in the current reality. It should be emphasized that the victory has laid a solid foundation for stability, cooperation and sustainable security in the region. In the post-war period, Azerbaijan has been characterized as a country that pursues constructive policy, ready to engage with all parties, negotiate on an equal footing and open to initiatives to establish peace in the region, define borders and sign a peace agreement.

Given the fact that each of the South Caucasus countries has different approaches and actual steps to develop relations with official Brussels, official Baku preferred to establish relations with the EU not on the basis of associative membership, but on the logic of equal, mutually beneficial cooperation. This is confirmed by the signing of strategic partnership documents between Azerbaijan and nine EU member states. One third of EU member states consider Azerbaijan a strategic partner. Speaking at the Sixth Eastern Partnership Summit in Brussels on December 15, President Ilham Aliyev said that more than 90 percent of the work on a new partnership agreement between Azerbaijan and the European Union has been completed. President Ilham Aliyev added that he hoped the rest of the document would be finalized as a result of negotiations in the coming period.

One of the main directions of the partnership between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union is energy security. The signing of the “Joint Declaration” on the Southern Gas Corridor between the European Union and Azerbaijan in Baku in 2011 provided wider opportunities in relations. Despite the actual war in Azerbaijan, the fourth and final segment of the project, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, was commissioned shortly after the war, on December 31, 2020. Azerbaijan took the main financial burden in all the four segments of the Southern Gas Corridor.

TAP can stimulate gas supplies to Southeast European countries through interconnectors to be built in the future. Bulgaria, once dependent on a single gas supplier and experiencing major problems due to gas shortages, has the opportunity to strengthen supply security by providing 33% of its natural gas needs through TAP. Countries that are not currently involved in the Southern Gas Corridor project have expressed their intention to join the project and Azerbaijan is also positive about this issue.

President Ilham Aliyev has repeatedly stated that as there is no gas and price crisis or freezing in the countries supplied with Azerbaijani gas, and the Southern Gas Corridor serves not only the mission of diversification of routes, but also sources, it is a real energy security project. Azerbaijan, along with the European Union, has been chairing the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council for many years. During the ten months from January 1 to October 31, 2021, Azerbaijan exported more than 14 billion cubic meters of natural gas via this route to five countries – Turkey, Georgia, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. About half of this volume was used by EU consumers. Next year it will be 9 billion, and in 2023 at least 11 billion cubic meters.

One of the primary issues on the EU-Azerbaijan agenda is undoubtedly the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. It was the first time during the post-war period that discussions between the President of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Armenia took place on December 14 on the initiative of Charles Michel, President of the European Council and President Ilham Aliyev described the meeting as practical and thorough in a constructive atmosphere. When President Ilham Aliyev was asked “What would you say this EU trilateral contact in Brussels differs from the last meeting in Sochi?” in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais in Brussels on December 14, the President replied that “Practically speaking, I don’t see any differences, because I see Russia and the European Union’s genuine desire to help normalize relations between the two countries. Otherwise, they wouldn’t spend time with us and spend hours in these negotiations.”

The most important part of Charles Michel’s statement on the results of the meeting was that Michel called for the elimination of the conflict legacy between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani side has repeatedly stated that the conflict is over, it is time to turn the page and look into the future.

Another special factor is the call for the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the fulfillment of obligations undertaken in the framework of the two trilateral statements of 9 November 2020 and 11 January 2021 and understandings reached in Sochi on 26 November 2021.

The statement also expressed support for humanitarian demining efforts. On July 18 2021, during his official visit to Baku, Charles Michel said at a press conference that EU was ready to provide European expert assistance in delimitation and, if necessary, European monitoring. Michel added that the partnership between the European Union and Azerbaijan is not based on financial support. On the contrary, it is a partnership based on the desire to work together, innovation, technological exchanges and economic cooperation. Two issues here need to be analyzed in detail.

The European Union is Azerbaijan’s main trading partner. At present, almost 40% of Azerbaijan’s trade is with the European Union. Last year’s trade turnover was almost $ 9.5 billion. Azerbaijan’s exports to EU member states amount to $ 6.8 billion. More than 1,700 companies from member states operate in Azerbaijan. Brussels is interested in cooperating with Azerbaijan as an equal partner in modern development areas. Azerbaijan also continues to work closely with the EU and is an active participant in the digital transition including Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. The second issue is that while the EU allocated 3.9 billion euros to Georgia and 2.6 billion euros to Armenia, it allocated substantially less, 140 million euros to Azerbaijan. In an interview with the Italian “Il Sole 24 Ore” newspaper in Brussels, the President of Azerbaijan commented on this issue: “It was a very unpleasant surprise for the people of Azerbaijan. About 1 million mines have been planted there. The process of clearing mines is very costly and takes a lot of time. There is no destruction in Armenia. This country was not occupied, it was an occupier. Even physically, the Armenian economy cannot absorb this huge package. At the meeting with Charles Michel, I even suggested the European Commission to look at the opportunity to finance from the funds demining in Azerbaijan. I told them not to give us the money, but to provide financial assistance to European mine clearing companies so that they could come to Azerbaijan and start working. Our position is that the level of financial contribution to Armenia, whether it is a donation or a loan, should be the same as in Azerbaijan.”

In Charles Michel’s statement there was very important point for Azerbaijan. Given that the fate of more than 4,000 people missing by Azerbaijan during the First Karabakh war is still unknown, for the first time the issue of missing persons has been included in the EU agenda and the need to clarify their fate has been highlighted. It is also important that the EU expresses its support for the rehabilitation and reconstruction work carried out by Azerbaijan in the liberated territories. Because so far, Azerbaijan has done all the work at its own expense. At the same time, the organization said it would support the demarcation and delimitation of borders in a consultative capacity. The EU has even expressed its support for the creation of communication infrastructure in the region, the opening and development of communication lines between countries, by supporting these projects through economic and investment resources. This approach and points show that Azerbaijan’s political agenda coincides with the EU’s position.

Adhering to the principles of humanism, Azerbaijan handed over to the Armenian side on December 19, 2021, through the European Union, 10 servicemen of Armenian origin, detained while preventing the provocation committed by the Armenian armed forces on November 16, 2021 in the direction of Kalbajar.

The relations between the EU and Azerbaijan are developing in the context of new geopolitical realities emerging on a regional and global scale. Azerbaijan is the only member of the Eastern Partnership that has been consistent for many years. At the heart of this successful position of the Azerbaijani state is the line of mutually beneficial cooperation established on the basis of equal partnership in the status of an independent state. Experience shows that the position of the Azerbaijan is promising, realistic and, most importantly, effective.”


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Philippines Super Typhoon Rai death toll surges

At least 375 people are now known to have died after a powerful storm struck the Philippines on Thursday, police say, according to BBC.

Super Typhoon Rai – with winds of about 195km/h (120mph) – sent some 400,000 people running for safety when it hit the country’s south-eastern islands.

At least 500 people were injured and 56 others have been reported missing by local police.

Rescue teams have described scenes of “complete carnage”.

But establishing the scale of the losses is difficult, as communication to a number of areas has been cut off.

There are fears widespread landslides and flooding may have claimed more lives.

Thousands of military, coast guard and fire personnel have been deployed in the country’s worst-affected areas to assist with search and rescue efforts.

Military aircraft and naval vessels are bringing aid to the worst-hit areas.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

[CES 2022] MicroEJ’s Open Virtual Container Technology Platform Becomes Defacto Standard For Industrial & Consumer Electronics Design, Powering The IoT Revolution From SmartWatches To Micro-Satellites!



  • The Android Alternative For IoT [or] Similar To Android’s “Write Once, Deploy Anywhere” For The IoT World
  • 100+ Million MicroEJ-powered Smart Edge Devices Sold
  • Support For All Major ARM Chips (MediaTek, NXP, Qualcomm, Sony, ST…)

BOSTON, Dec. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MICROEJ VEE is a software container technology, similar to Android, but designed for low-cost and low-power chips used in IoT edge wireless devices from small Cloud-connected sensors to smartwatches to satellites! MICROEJ VEE’s standard virtual containers cuts in half the design and time-to-market of industrial and consumer electronics, and supports all the major ARM chip providers including MediaTek, NXP, Qualcomm, Sony, ST Microelectronics and more!

“There are now more than 100 billion electronic objects produced per year worldwide, or nearly 10 devices per person and per year,” says Fred Rivard, CEO of MicroEJ. “To help with this IoT deluge, manufacturers around the world have chosen MicroEJ’s virtual technology as the alternative to Android Things for their everyday electronic objects, whether they are connected or not.”

Quick Facts about MicroEJ (pronounced ‘micro-edge’):

  • More than 100 million MICROEJ VEE virtual containers sold;
  • Global presence with 8 offices worldwide: USA, France, Japan, South Korea, China, Romania, Germany, Brazil;
  • More than $40 million invested in research and development;
  • Opens the IoT revolution to the world’s 35 million software developers with support of all the major computer programming languages including Java, JavaScript, C, Kotlin...

“MicroEJ brings the concept of cloud-native virtual software containers, popularized by VMware and Google’s Android, to the world of IoT, from Smart Homes to Home Appliances, Connected Watches, Energy and Utilities, Industry 4.0, 5G, Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare, Medical Devices and even Micro-Satellites,” explains Jeb Su, Principal Analyst at Atherton Research. “Virtual containers are a revolution for IoT that will significantly accelerates the time-to-market of industrial and consumer electronics, lower their power consumption and price points, as well as mitigate the impact of future chip shortages.”


MicroEJ is recognized by major electronics manufacturers for its solution that facilitates the design of electronic products, reduces the costs of their development and production while reducing the complexity of software embedded in electronic systems.

The company also helps to:

  • Strengthen the processor supply chain: MICROEJ VEE enables manufacturers to maintain their market presence by diversifying their electronic component suppliers. The additional costs associated with managing multiple suppliers are more than offset by reduced risk exposure, predictable revenue streams and productivity gains. For more information, check our white paper “Chip Shortage Mitigation”.
  • Implementing eco-design: energy consumption is at the heart of MicroEJ’s technological innovation and enables manufacturers to change their way of thinking about the design of electronic products. MicroEJ contributes to this effort by enabling products to use less expensive electronics with lower power consumption. For example, it is possible to gain up to several weeks of additional battery-life on a connected watch. For more information, watch our webinar with our partner NXP.
  • React to changing trends: In the consumer electronics market, for example, the MICROEJ VEE application container enables products to be designed up to 3 times faster, accelerating significantly the time-to-market. MICROEJ VEE also simplifies dynamic upgrades of new features on products already deployed to meet new user needs.
  • Bringing together a large community of developers: MicroEJ supports several programming languages such as C, Java language, JavaScript, and soon Kotlin. This helps stimulate the contribution of more than 35 million computer scientists around the world with the most open and standard development environments on the market. For more information, see our press release.

Java™ is Sun Microsystems’ trademark for a technology for developing application software and deploying it in cross-platform, networked environments. When it is used in this site without adding the “™” symbol, it includes implementations of the technology by companies other than Sun. Java™, all Java-based marks and all related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc, in the United States and other Countries.


  • Keep our exponential growth and become the leading supplier of software application containers for electronic devices, especially connected and wireless products.
  • In 2023, launch of an ultra-optimized hardware chip version of the software virtual container: a VPC (Virtualization Processing Core). For more information, see our press release.
  • In 2026, exceed one billion MICROEJ VEE sold!


In order to accelerate the development of smart devices and to democratize the programming and electronic design of such products, MicroEJ uses containerization technology. It allows users to create an efficient and reliable process by parallelizing the software and hardware development.

The software application container is a widely used technology that allows for the creation and execution of a software component for a multitude of divergent electronic systems. The development of a device involves a complex organization of different roles that must be organized efficiently. The containers standardize the various roles and enable the reuse of existing software and hardware components for faster time-to-market. This process is similar to a fast assembly of existing components, sometimes slightly modified.


After receiving his PhD in Computing, Fred RIVARD went to North America to become part of the IBM core team that led to the creation of the software container technologies for PCs. After completing his MBA, Fred founded MicroEJ with the mission to democratize software container for the embedded world. “Since the creation of MicroEJ, I am proud to see our growing business made possible thanks to faithful partners and awesome employees based around the world, contributing to our customers successes at creating useful electronic devices which is extremely rewarding for the teams. It materializes our commitment to a better world, where technology contributes to solve everyday issues and tasks,” says Fred RIVARD


Today, more than 120 companies use MicroEJ technology and its application container MICROEJ VEE. The main objective is to increase the efficiency of the “idea-design-production-maintenance” chain in order to respond as quickly as possible to customer needs and maintain a competitive advantage.

“Nowadays, things are moving so quickly. IoT is moving, use cases are changing. Imagine if we could have a way to go faster, and develop applications on top of that real time (printing engine) and keep them separated, keep them managed, so that we are delivering real time. Our partnership with MicroEJ allowed us to solve that problem.

Victor Salmons, Vice President, New Product Development, ZEBRA Specialty Printing Groupe

“We are especially proud to be working with MicroEJ to accelerate the integration of the Enki ecosystem. The realization of a universal cloud protocol allows our partners to independently integrate their products with the Enki cloud and benefit from easy-to-use software tools to accelerate their software development. This realization translates into a significant increase in Enki-compatible connected devices and a better user experience for our customers.”

Pierre-Yes Hadengue, CEO at Enki Leroy Merlin

“We chose MicroEJ to save time. It is a flexible, reliable and secure solution which we are very satisfied with. We didn’t have any return of this product. This is something very important for us since the quality attests to our brand image.”

Christophe TEILLOT – Senior Software Engineer at Hager

“With its incredible growth, the small electronics industry is increasingly looking for both low consuming GUI combined with impressive performance on a very low footprint. When NXP had chosen our Vivante GCNanoLite-V IP to build their next gen i.MX-RT MCU, MICROEJ VEE was the obvious natural one-device platform, as our combined technologies follow the same cost-oriented logic and address the same markets.”

Jarmon David, Sr. VP Worldwide Sales and Business Development at Verisilicon


From January 5 to 8, 2022, MicroEJ will be present at CES 2022 (Venetian Expo, Hall A-D, booth 52529) as well as at CES Unveiled on January 3rd. We look forward to seeing you there and presenting live MicroEJ’s vision and future technologies and platforms.

About MicroEJ:

MicroEJ is bringing container virtualization to IoT and embedded devices. We are focused on providing device manufacturers with secure application containers in markets where software applications require high performance, compact size, energy efficiency, and cost-effective development.

With over 100 million products sold, all the leading global manufacturers have chosen MicroEJ to design their electronic devices for a large variety of industries, including smart home, wearables, healthcare, industrial automation, retail, telecommunications, smart city, building automation, transportation, etc.

For more info:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Sologenic reveals “Coreum”: A Fast, Interoperable and Scalable Layer-1 Smart Blockchain with Low Transaction Cost and Carbon Footprint

The Sologenic Development Foundation reveals prime information about a new layer-1 blockchain built to serve as a core infrastructure for the future of decentralized applications.

TALLINN, Estonia, Dec. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sologenic Development Foundation announced “Coreum”, a new Layer-1 Blockchain being built to improve many weaknesses present on current Blockchain networks and provide developers with an essential infrastructure to develop decentralized apps, from asset tokenizations, banking and remittances to DeFi, Metaverse and Gaming.

With no Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Coreum is an open-source project built to be 100% community-based, allowing this technology to support extensive future growth in Decentralized Applications (dApps) and DeFi space within the whole blockchain ecosystem. The first round of CORE tokens airdrop distribution is scheduled for February 2022 destined for the Sologenic community and SOLO holders with the very first snapshot to be taken at a random time between December 24th to 31st 2021.

While many modern Blockchain networks are currently using the Ethereum Virtual Machine, Coreum benefits from the modern turing-complete Web Assembly (WASM) engine to process smart contracts written in many different languages and compiled into WASM before processing.

Among other features, Coreum will offer Cross-Chain Interoperability by deploying a bridge functionality, which allows other cryptocurrencies to flow into Coreum’s Ecosystem through the collateralized wrapping. This functionality is being backed by built-in modules that support a fully Decentralized Exchange with Synthetic Order Book functionality.

Coreum stands out with a block time of 1.5 seconds and the ability to process 7000 transactions per second when it comes to speed. Moreover, with a stable fee model, Coreum’s Blockchain is set to maintain extremely low transaction fees regardless of block size and network activity, so that the Blockchain can be sustainable and optimal during heavy load and no-load while the validators are always being incentivized.

A dynamic ratio of fees generated through each block will be used towards validator incentives and rewards pool replenishment. The remaining portion will be burned on the network, making Coreum’s economy deflationary.

When the network is busy, and transaction volume is high, validators are incentivized directly from the transaction fees. When there is less activity, incentivization is through a reward pool designed for low traffic times. This pool will be filled with excess transaction fees during heavy loads.

Additionally, with native support for the issuance of any fungible and non-fungible tokens on-chain, Coreum takes asset issuance and minting to the next level. This built-in functionality even allows issuers to customize their tokenized assets with optional features such as wallet whitelisting, burning and freezing for when it comes to the heavily regulated financial markets like Stock and ETFs.

The Coreum team is integrated by passionate individuals already creating a frictionless world by redefining the way people build and use decentralized applications. Some of the more notable figures within the blockchain space are taking leadership and advisory roles at Coreum, such as Bob Ras and Reza Bashash the Co-founders of Sologenic, Carl Hua, Current Chief Architect at Celsius, Ex-Head of DeFi Engineering at Ripple and JPL NASA Engineer, and Michael Zochowski, current VP at Valon, and Ex-Head of RippleX Product.

Learn more about the Coreum blockchain on

About Sologenic

The “Sologenic Development Foundation” a.k.a SOLO Core team is an independent community of developers with the passion of making the Sologenic Ecosystem successful. It consists of developers who are actively working on various open-source projects and use cases around the SOLO. More information can be found on

A video accompanying this release is available at:


Favio Velarde

Marketing Team