Premier League hit by record 103 positive Covid tests

A record 103 Premier League players and staff tested positive for coronavirus in the past week – the highest weekly figure recorded since testing figures began being circulated in May last year, according to Sky Sports.

With testing increased to daily lateral flow and twice-weekly PCR tests last week as the league responded to rising Omicron levels, 15,186 Covid-19 tests were administered between Monday December 20 and Sunday December 26.

“The safety of everyone is a priority and the Premier League is taking all precautionary steps in response to the impact of the Omicron variant,” the league said in a statement.

Last week saw 90 Premier League players and staff test positive for Covid-19 as these new emergency protocols were introduced.

Other measures introduced are the wearing of face coverings while indoors and observing social distancing as well as limiting treatment time.

The latest results come as a number of Premier League bosses have spoken out on the impact Covid-19 cases are having on already stretched squads during the festive period.

With 15 top-flight games already postponed over the last fortnight, managers are concerned about an increased workload for those fit to play, as well as players returning from Covid and injuries being asked to make their comebacks faster than usual.

Various managers – including Thomas Tuchel, the Chelsea head coach – have called for clubs to once again be permitted to make five changes per match to help ease the pressure on their squads.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

France sees record surge in daily COVID cases to nearly 180,000

France posted a new record for daily coronavirus cases Tuesday, registering nearly 180,000 infections in the past 24 hours, according to Anadolu Agency.

According to data released by the country’s public health agency, 179,807 cases and 290 fatalities were recorded. The previous high was registered on Dec. 25 at 104,611 infections.

The cases have surpassed figures in Britain, which recorded 129,471 new infections as of Tuesday and reported more than 100,000 cases for the first time on Dec. 22 due to the highly contagious omicron variant and widespread testing.

While the average number of daily cases in the last week has been above 80,000, hospital admissions have comparatively been on the lower side. But authorities are fearing the pressure on hospitals and an economic paralysis in the coming weeks with daily cases projected to reach 250,000 in January.

An estimated 5.3 million people aged 12 and over have not yet received any vaccine doses.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Jean Castex has announced a monthly bonus of 100 euros (US$113) for nurses working in critical care services in recognition of their continuous tireless work. Nurses have been identified among the most overworked health care personnel during the pandemic.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijan’s deputy defense minister visits units of Azerbaijan Air Force

On the occasion of the Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year, Deputy Minister of Defense – Commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant General Ramiz Tahirov visited the Azerbaijan Air Force units conducting combat duty in the liberated territories, the Defense Ministry told AZERTAC.

“Lieutenant General Tahirov conveyed the congratulations of Minister of Defense, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov to the personnel on the occasion of the holidays.

Then, the distinguished servicemen were awarded, presented with valuable gifts and holiday gifts.

During the meeting, which was held at the tea table, Lieutenant General Ramiz Tahirov highlighted the historical significance of the Patriotic War, which ended with the victory under the leadership of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, the heroism of the Azerbaijan Army, and the successes achieved in 2021.

Then the commander got acquainted with the social and living conditions of the personnel and gave relevant instructions on carrying out the work.

The servicemen expressed gratitude to the President and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense for their attention and care,” the ministry added.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijan documents 530 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours

530 new cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in Azerbaijan, while 1,209 patients have been recovered, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told AZERTAC.

According to the Task Force, 8 persons have died after testing positive for COVID-19.

“The overall confirmed cases in Azerbaijan have reached 615,842 with 597,754 recoveries and 8,332 deaths, while treatment of 9,756 others is underway.

A total of 5,842,565 coronavirus tests have been conducted in the country so far,” the Task Force added.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Ruling party MP Papuashvili elected Georgian Parliament Speaker

The Georgian parliament has elected Shalva Papuashvili, 45, to be the new speaker of the state legislature, replacing Kakha Kuchava in the post earlier today, according to

A total of 88 MPs voted in favour of Papuashvil’s appointment, including opposition deputies from Citizens, Girchi and European Socialists, while one MP voted against out of the 150-member parliament.

Papuashvili stated that he will be ‘guarantor of the involvement and participation of the opposition elected by the people’, noting that the parliament is an institution where the ‘power of the people is most expressed’.

He also thanked former speaker Kuchava, who resigned from the position on December 24 after serving in the post since April 27.

Papuashvili emphasised the importance of Georgia’s NATO and EU integration, underscoring that the Georgian Dream party intends to submit an application for EU membership in 2024.

He also stated that the country’s national task is unification, adding that ‘this will be my main task as the Speaker of Parliament’.

“This country and these people deserve unity, prosperity, progress and development and that is why it is our special duty to dedicate our thoughts and deeds to this goal,” Papuashvili said.

Papuashvili was Chairman of the Education, Science and Culture Committee prior to his election to the speaker’s position.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency