Number of coronavirus cases exceeds 402 mln globally – WHO

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the world exceeded 402 mln, and the number of deaths – 5.77 mln, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, TASS reports.

According to published data, the organization reported 402,044,502 cases and 5,770,023 deaths. The number of cases increased per day by 2,332,592, deaths – by 12,005.

WHO statistics take into account only officially confirmed information about cases and deaths, provided by states. The mark of 350 mln cases was passed on January 25, 300 mln – on January 8, 250 mln – on November 9 last year, 200 mln – on August 5.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Italy’s coronavirus death toll nears 150,000

There have been 75,861 new cases of COVID-19 in Italy in the last 24 hours, and 325 more victims of the virus, the health ministry said Thursday, according to ANSA.

That compares to 81,367 new cases and 384 more victims Wednesday.

The death toll since the start of the pandemic has now topped 150,000, at 150,221.

The case tally in just over two years is now 11,923,631, the ministry said.

The currently positive are 1,813,274, down 61,351 on Wednesday.

The recovered and discharged are 9,960,136, up 137,221 on Thursday.

Some 683,715 more tests have been done, compared to 731,284 Wednesday.

The positivity rate is steady at 11.1%.

Intensìve care cases are down 28 to 1,322, and hospital admissions down 578 to 17,354.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Information of the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Spain

11 February 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Kingdom of Spain.

During the past 30 years, strong friendly relations based on dialogue and mutual understanding, that forged between Azerbaijan and Spain, are strengthening. Cooperation between the two countries encompasses the political, economic, cultural, tourism, humanitarian, sports and others fields.

Azerbaijan and Spain guided by the norms and principles of international law support and respect each other’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of their internationally recognised borders.

High level political dialogue and cooperation within the international organizations give further impetus to development of our relations.

Steps taken towards deepening of the relations in economy, tourism, culture and other fields, expansion of legal-treaty base open up new prospects for the promotion of cooperation between our countries. High-level relations between the parliaments of the two countries make a significant contribution to the development of cooperation between our countries.

We extend our sincere congratulations to the Government and People of Spain on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Spain and remain assured that mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries will further continue to develop successfully.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry comments on Armenian PM’s statement on return of remains of missing persons

“I wonder what was the reason that Armenia waited for 30 years to provide any information about the 4,000 Azerbaijanis missing in the first Armenia-Azerbaijan war? The Armenian government has not yet made any statement in this regard,” said spokesperson for Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Leyla Abdullayeva as she responded to media’s question regarding the Armenian Prime Minister’s statement on the return of the remains of Azerbaijani missing persons.

“But certainly, the discovery of mass graves of Azerbaijanis in our liberated territories and the presentation of the evidences to the international community is among the reasons of the return of the remains of 108 out of the thousands of Azerbaijanis missing after 30 years.

We would like to remind that immediately after the 44-day war, Azerbaijan, without waiting for the reciprocity of the Armenian side and while Armenia did not provide any information about thousands of Azerbaijanis who were missing in the first Armenia-Azerbaijan war, handed over more than 1700 bodies of Armenian soldiers to the opposite side, based on the principles of humanism.

We would like to note that the Azerbaijani side keeps the issue of missing persons on the agenda as a matter of priority, and will not allow the Armenian side, which is directly responsible in this matter, to keep silence for another 30 years about the fate of more than 3,700 Azerbaijanis who went missing, as well as the places of mass graves,” Leyla Abdullayeva said.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan discuss security cooperation

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Latif Gandilov has met with this country`s Interior Minister Ulan Niyazbekov.

The minister congratulated the ambassador on his appointment and stressed the importance of developing security relations with Azerbaijan.

He noted that nowadays, the criminal world makes use of global opportunities of information technology. “The threat of terrorism and extremism in the Central Asian region becomes topical against the background of the developments taking place in recent years. In this regard, one of the priorities of the law enforcement agencies of the country is the prevention of extremism and terrorism, the formation of the joint efforts and strengthening the interaction of law enforcement authorities in the fight against them”.

The ambassador stressed the importance of exchanging security experience between the two countries in order to respond to modern challenges.

Ambassador Gandilov expressed confidence that the joint cooperation in the field of security would be beneficial for strengthening current ties.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijan Army positions once again subjected to fire in direction of Kalbajar district

On February 11, from 08:50 to 09:00, the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the Yukhari Shorzha settlement of the Basarkechar region, with no reason, using small arms subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions in the Zeylik settlement of Kalbajar district, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.

“As a result of the retaliatory measures taken by the Azerbaijan Army units, the opposing side was suppressed. There are no losses among the military personnel and equipment of the Azerbaijan Army.

Currently, the situation in this direction is stable, the Azerbaijan Army units control the operational situation”, the ministry said.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency