Turkmenistan and UAE foster strong, mutually beneficial relations (Exclusive)

BAKU: The UAE and Turkmenistan are actively developing strong and mutually beneficial relations, a source in the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Trend.

“The UAE believes that communication and dialogue strengthen and develop beneficial ties that serve its national interests, those of the region, and the world. The UAE and Turkmenistan are aggressively building strong and mutually beneficial connections, paving the path for a prosperous future for both nations,” the source said.

The representative of the Ministry noted that over the past two years, bilateral trade has witnessed significant growth, with high-level officials from both countries engaging in regular visits, reflecting a commitment to strengthening ties.

“His Excellency Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the President of Turkmenistan, visited the UAE in December 2023 to participate in COP28 at the invitation of UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Furthermore, His Excellency Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader of th
e Turkmen people, made visits to the UAE in February 2023 and January 2024,” the source added.

It was stressed that these and other diplomatic exchanges underline the commitment to strengthening closer ties and cooperation between the two countries.

“The UAE has deep and distinctive connections with other nations, reflecting its principles of openness, partnering, creating bridges, solidifying peace, and serving the common interests of nations and peoples to achieve international peace and security. The country thinks conversation, cooperation, and bridge-building are needed to find innovative and enduring solutions to contemporary difficulties,” the representative concluded.

Meanwhile, cooperation between the UAE and Turkmenistan is rapidly expanding in various sectors, including energy, transport infrastructure, tourism, and trade.

UAE companies invest in Turkmenistan’s oil and gas production, bolstering both economies and deepening the potential collaboration.

Source: Trend News Agency

National Defense University holds event to mark Green World Solidarity Year

In pursuance of the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan declaring 2024 as the ‘Green World Solidarity Year’ in Azerbaijan, the National Defense University held an event according to the instructions of the Defense Minister, the Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.

The event, organized jointly by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, was attended by the leadership, officers, teaching staff, and cadets of the National Defense University’s Baku Military College, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

The event commenced with commemorating the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.

Speeches on the Green World Solidarity Year were delivered, and a video on this topic was screened.

In the end, a tree-planting campaign was held in the territory
of the military college.

Servicemen, professors, teachers, cadets, and students participated in planting various types of trees and carrying out landscaping works to contribute to the protection of nature, make the environment healthy, increase the greenery, help restore the ecological balance, and enrich the atmosphere with oxygen.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Charge d’Affaires Hugo Guevara: Last academic year, more than 900 Azerbaijani students studied in U.S.

‘The United States is a top destination for international studies. Last academic year, more than 900 Azerbaijani students studied in the United States. That’s over 25% more than the prior year. We’re really encouraged by this, and in fact, we’ve seen that it’s the highest number in a decade,’ Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan Hugo Guevara told AZERTAC.

‘I think this speaks about the interest of Azerbaijanis in studying in the United States and also the quality of the education they can get in the United States. We have many projects with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani students who apply to us get more information about how they can finance their education and the available opportunities to continue their education at a higher level in the United States,” Hugo Guevara added.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Starting time of next season in Azerbaijan Premier League announced

BAKU: The start date of the 2024/25 season in the Azerbaijan Premier League has been announced, Trend reports via Idman.biz.

The next season will start on August 2, according to the decision of the Professional Football League.

Additional information will be provided regarding the timing of the transfer windows.

Source: Trend News Agency

IDEA arranges another charity action for children as part of its ‘Share your joy’ campaign

Initiated by Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founder and head of IDEA Public Union Leyla Aliyeva, another action has been organized for children in need of special care as part of the “Share your joy” charity campaign.

“Share your joy” charity campaign, launched by the IDEA Public Union, aims to lend a helping hand to children in need by placing unused but useful toys in donation boxes instead of throwing them away, and at the same time giving those toys a “second life”.

According to IDEA Public Union, 61 gift boxes made of toys collected in toy boxes were distributed among the children in the “Umid Yeri” children’s shelter as part of the charity campaign organized on the occasion of “June 1 – the International Children’s Day”.

The IDEA Public Union expresses its gratitude to every participant who supported the initiative, which brought joy to children in need of special care, giving them a smile and creating a festive atmosphere.

Now, you can donate your unused toys at 4 drop-off locatio
ns: Deniz Mall, Ganjlik Mall, 28 Mall and Zefir Mall.

Don’t forget to spread your joy by only dropping off toys that are clean and unbroken. Toys collected in donation bins will be regularly distributed to children through various charity organizations and distribution centers.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency