Azerbaijani President: 28 years of the Minsk Group were the years of lost opportunities

“With the United Nations, our active interaction with institutions started as a result of Armenian aggression, and 1993 was a year when those famous resolutions of the Security Council were adopted, which were very positive step, very promising gesture of support, and addressing the Armenian aggression,” said President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he received newly appointed United Nations Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan Vladanka Andreeva, APA reports.

“The demand for immediate, full, unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from our internationally recognized territories was a very important political gesture of the Security Council. But unfortunately, these resolutions were not implemented and as you probably know, many times I personally raised this issue that there is no mechanism of implementation of the Security Council resolutions. In one case, they were implemented short period of time but in our case, they were not implemented at all by international players. Especially what was of concern and was difficult to understand by Azerbaijani society that those who adopted those resolutions, three out of five permanent members-states were the countries which were and still are the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. So, they themselves adopted those resolutions and they had a mandate to facilitate implementation of these resolutions. But unfortunately, 28 years of the Minsk Group were the years of lost opportunities. On many occasions I raised the issue of imposing sanctions on Armenia. Because I thought that could be a way how to avoid confrontation, avoid war. We wanted to resolve this issue peacefully. Speaking last year at the General Assembly just several days before the war, I was warning international community that Armenia is preparing for war, that these were not just words for the sake of propaganda. That was a realistic analysis of Armenia’s behavior in the months prior to the war. And unfortunately I was right. If sanctions were imposed on Armenia on time, if Minsk Group co-chairs – three leading countries of the world used five percent of their potential to persuade or to force Armenia to withdraw its occupational forces then the war would not have happened. Therefore, the responsibility for the war is not only lies on Armenia but on those who could not or did not want to force them to comply with the international law.

Therefore, Azerbaijan implemented these resolutions itself, within international law norms. We restored justice, we restored international law norms. We implemented the United Nations Security Council resolutions ourselves and we acted in accordance with UN Charter. Chapter 51 recognizes the right for every country for self-defense. So, we used all the existing international instruments to restore our territorial integrity,” noted the head of state.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Ex-head of Baku Mayor’s Office pleads not guilty in court

In the Baku Grave Crimes Court, the trial continues in the case against the ex-head of the Baku City Executive Office Rasim Guliyev.

The indictment was announced the day before. Guliyev is accused of illegally issuing a permit in May 2018 for the demolition of an architectural monument – a house built in 1893 at 141 Dilyara Aliyeva Street. , or the issuance of a permit to carry out construction or installation work in violation of the rules established by law). Guliyev faces up to eight years in prison.

At the meeting, the former official pleaded not guilty. He said that he was not informed about the historical value of the architectural monument and signed an order based on the conclusion of the relevant services. According to Guliyev, the construction was positively reviewed by the chief architect Akif Abdullayev. In addition, the head of the Construction Inspection Nadir Adygezalov issued a permit for construction work, continued Guliyev

In September 2017, Guliyev was entrusted with the duties of vice-mayor.

And after Hajibala Abutalibov became Deputy Prime Minister on April 21, 2018, Guliyev actually began to act as the head of government in Baku. He noted that these issues were verbally agreed with the head of the presidential administration Ramiz Mehdiyev.

“This agreement was reached by the then mayor Hajibala Abutalibov,” Guliyev noted.

Source: Turan News Agency

Toplan employees demand the arrest of animal rights activists

Employees of the Toplan Center for the Care of Homeless Dogs filed a lawsuit against four animal rights activists: Ainur Babazade, Nijat Ismail, Elkhan Mirzoyev and Ilham Nasirov.

The plaintiffs demand to bring activists to criminal responsibility for libel and insult – to arrest or to fine 100 thousand manats (58 thousand dollars).

Ismayil told Turan that the plaintiffs saw insults and damage to their business reputation in the activists’ publications in social networks, ”Ismayilov said.

However, the activists in their posts did not insult anyone, but condemned the cruel treatment of stray dogs by Toplan employees. “We protested against the ruthless treatment of dogs,” Ismail said. According to him, the center continues the vicious practice of the “dog box” of the Soviet era, when stray dogs were caught and killed.

On August 23, a preparatory session was held in the Khatai District Court. “We asked to postpone the meeting, as our lawyer is away. The judge postponed the hearing until August 30. We hope that this absurd claim will not be accepted into the proceedings, ”Ismayilov said.

The civil movement NIDA came out in defense of the activists, demanding that the Toplan Center conduct transparent activities, open its doors to volunteers, provide information about the fate of animals caught in the streets, “and refuse to prosecute activists.

Representatives of the Toplan Center were unavailable for comment. The lawsuit against the activists was filed under Art. 147.1 “Slander” and 148. “Insult”. Under both articles, they could face up to six months in prison. —06D-

Source: Turan News Agency

Pashinyan on demarcation, negotiations and corridor

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is sure that the demarcation and delimitation of the borders with Azerbaijan should be started as quickly as possible. He announced this on Tuesday August 24, speaking in parliament.

“I regret that due to political noise it was not possible to achieve the planned result in spring. The unstable situation on a number of sections of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border is a serious threat to the start of these processes,” Pashinyan was quoted by Sputnik-Armenia.

He also stressed the need for a mirror withdrawal of Armenian and Azerbaijani troops based on Soviet maps. It was on this principle that the work was carried out on the Tekh-Meghri section and the Armenian side is ready to move in this direction.

The opening of communications in the region will make it possible to break the long-term blockade of the country, which will become an important tool for creating a favorable environment around Armenia, Pashinyan said, calling for the activation of the work of the trilateral commission and the achievement of concrete results in unblocking communications.

He believes that this process is exacerbated by the “unconstructive and provocative” statements of the Azerbaijani side about some “corridors”. At the same time, he acknowledged that the opening of communications will enable Yerevan to have transport links with Russia and Iran through Azerbaijan, and Baku will get a connection with Nakhchivan through Armenia.

“However, the opening of communications cannot be carried out at the expense of the interests, security of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh,” Pashinyan said.

According to the prime minister, Yerevan is ready for constructive negotiations on Nagorno-Karabakh within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship.

“The co-chairs stated that the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh has not been resolved, and a comprehensive and long-term solution to the issue should be made on the basis of well-known principles: non-use of force, the right of nations to self-determination, territorial integrity,” Pashinyan said, noting that Armenia is ready for negotiations on the highest level and is waiting for specific proposals. -02D-

Source: Turan News Agency

“Crimean Platform” in Kiev. Russia was reminded that the question is open

On August 23, the founding forum of the Crimean Platform initiative was held in Kiev, in which representatives of 46 countries and international organizations took part. In the declaration adopted by the participants of the event, the purpose of the “Crimean Platform” is “the peaceful end of the temporary occupation” of the territory of Crimea by the Russian Federation and “the restoration of Ukraine’s control over this territory in full accordance with international law.”

The activities of the new consultation and coordination forum on Crimea issues should ensure the permanent presence of the Crimean topic on the international agenda. This discussion, which will involve politicians, diplomats and experts, is expected to help counter the threats and consequences of the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and contribute to the realization of the ultimate goal of the “Crimean Platform” – the return of Crimea to Ukraine. The permanent work of the initiative will be coordinated by a special office, which was opened in Kiev on 23 August. And, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, such representations will open in other countries as well.

Who supported the “Crimean Platform”

A little less than a year has passed since the name “Crimean Platform” was first announced. When in September 2020, during a speech at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, President Zelensky for the first time called on the participating countries to create an international platform for the de-occupation of Crimea, few could imagine what such an initiative should look like, who and on what grounds would participate in it, and, the main thing is how its activities can help Ukraine return the peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.

But, as one European diplomat said in an interview with DW, the Ukrainian leadership managed to consolidate an impressive number of states around the annexed Crimea in a relatively short time and gather their representatives for a “large-scale summit” in Kiev. “Anyone who knows even a little about diplomacy understands that it was not easy,” said the interlocutor, who wished to remain anonymous.

Among the representatives of 46 countries who arrived in Kiev, 14 were represented by the heads of state and government. Among them are Poland, Romania, Hungary, Sweden, Finland, the Baltic countries, Moldova and Georgia. The rest of the states were represented by speakers of parliaments, ministers, deputy ministers or ambassadors. European Union President Charles Michel arrived in Kiev, Secretary General Maria Peichinovich-Buric from the Council of Europe, NATO and GUAM associations (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) were represented at the level of their deputy secretaries general.

At the forum of the “Crimean Platform” there were no representatives of the countries of Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. India and China did not even send their ambassadors to Kiev. Some analysts explain this fact by miscalculations of Ukrainian diplomacy in these regions, while others – by powerful pressure on these states from Moscow, which has an extremely negative attitude to the “Crimean Platform” and to any references to the annexation of the peninsula.

“Ukraine has opened a new chapter in the history of Crimea”

A meeting of such a high level took place in a highly secure environment. It was not easy to get to the Parkovy Exhibition Center, where the event took place. Only cars with special passes could overcome several security cordons.

About half an hour before the start of the summit, luxury cars with special numbers, on which, in addition to numbers, an emblem dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence was embossed, at the central entrance of Parkovoye, accompanied by police cars. Those who arrived at the entrance were greeted by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, after which each distinguished guest shook hands and took pictures with President Volodymyr Zelensky, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Razumkov, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal and head of the presidential administration Andrei Yermak.

The summit began with a performance by the Crimean Tatar singer Jamala, who sang the song “1944”. This song, which refers to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars by Stalin’s decision in 1944, won the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm. Officially, the work of the “Crimean Platform” was opened by the speech of President Zelensky .

“We understand that our independent country alone will never be able to return Crimea. We need effective support at the international level and support at a new level for the issue of de-occupation of the Ukrainian peninsula,” Zelensky said to those present. According to him, with the start of the Crimean Platform, Ukraine and its partners began “to write a new chapter in the history of the Ukrainian Crimea, and this is the chapter on de-occupation.” “The synergy of our efforts should make Russia sit down at the negotiating table for the return of our peninsula,” Zelensky said.

Crimea issue in the field of international attention

In their speeches, all summit participants noted that the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 was a gross violation of international law, and expressed strong support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Latvian President Egils Levits noted that the “Crimean Platform” is designed to “keep the issue of Crimea in the field of international attention.” “It is a pity that during the occupation of Latvia there was no platform that would constantly remind the world of our situation,” he said.

And Polish President Andrzej Duda said that in his country they know “what a person who loses his property feels, dignity who is told: this is no longer your state.” “I want to say to our Ukrainian brothers: the Poles understand you,” Duda said.

Russia’s steps to militarize the Crimean peninsula and the flagrant human rights violations that are taking place there are causing concern for the EU, Charles Michel said. “Such actions threaten confidence and peace. Our goal is to ensure that the annexation of Crimea is never legitimized,” the President of the European Council stressed.

What is the likelihood of new sanctions against the Russian Federation?

Before the signing ceremony of the declaration of the Crimean Platform forum, Zelensky said: “I promise that the declaration condemning the occupation of Crimea will always contain a line for the signature of the representative of the Russian Federation. Most likely, this signature will be put at the last summit of the Crimean Platform in Yalta.” …

Dmitry Kuleba later said that agreeing on the text of the declaration was not easy and “there was a struggle for every point.” As DW learned from its own sources, the point that mentions sanctions against Russia turned out to be a stumbling block for many signatories . In the final, the participants of the Crimean Platform agreed to “continue to implement the policy of non-recognition of the annexation of Crimea and consider the introduction of further sanctions against Russia,” if this is provided for by the legal jurisdiction of each platform participant and in accordance with existing procedures, if necessary and if Russia’s actions require it “.

In addition, the capitals that joined the initiative agreed to work together to confront the hybrid threats posed by the “ongoing militarization of Crimea” and called on Russia “to fulfill its obligations as an occupying state in accordance with international humanitarian law.” The participants in the declaration agreed to use the platforms of the UN, the Council of Europe and the OSCE in order to “coordinate their efforts” in those forums where the issues of Crimea will be discussed.

Doesn’t the West want to touch on the issue of Crimea?

The very fact of holding the forum, which demonstrated strong international support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, despite the fact that the world’s attention is now riveted on Afghanistan, experts call a success. “This is a signal to Moscow that it will not be able to hush up the issue of Crimea,” said Alexander Khara, an expert at the Kiev Center for Defense Strategies.

At the same time, he admits that the goals outlined in the summit’s declaration “do not look very realistic from a short-term perspective, because Russia is a nuclear state and Putin’s regime is firmly on its feet.” However, Khara is convinced that the return of Crimea in one way or another “is possible with the help of instruments of international law, mixed-force actions or through diplomatic means.”

Gustav Gressel, an analyst at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), believes that the Crimean Platform “will oppose the comfort of the Russian leadership, which clings to the assumption that the West does not want to touch the issue of Crimea, and over time recognizes its belonging to Russia. de facto”. Gressel also believes that the “Crimean Platform” will unite states “interested in promoting anti-Russian sanctions”, which, in his opinion, are still weak and cannot stop the destruction of the cultural heritage of Crimea and changes in the ethnic composition of the peninsula.

The analyst also admits that the return of Crimea is “a very, very long-term goal.” “But now the main task is not to create the impression that the West will silently accept the Russian Crimea as a fait accompli,” Gressel emphasized.

Source: Turan News Agency

Ukrainian plane hijacked in Afghanistan

Unknown persons hijacked the plane, which was intended to evacuate Ukrainian citizens from Afghanistan, and used it to transport people to Iran. The incident took place last week, but Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Yevhen Yenin only spoke about it today. The words of the official with reference to the local radio are reported by RIA Novosti .

“Our plane was hijacked by other people. On Tuesday, a plane was actually stolen from us – it flew to Iran with an unknown group of passengers on board instead of taking out the Ukrainians, ”the agency quoted the diplomat as saying.

Yenin added that the next three attempts to evacuate the citizens of Ukraine were also unsuccessful: the citizens of the country could not get to the territory of the airport in Kabul , from where the evacuation was taking place. Then the situation changed: on August 23, the third plane with people evacuated from Afghanistan landed on Ukrainian territory.

Now the Kabul airport is controlled by US troops, using it to transport American citizens from Afghanistan, as well as their local allies. Troops of other NATO countries are also present at the airport . As a result of the stampede and conflicts with the use of firearms at the Kabul airport, more than 20 people were killed during the evacuation.

Earlier, General Stephen Lyons, head of the US Air Force’s Transportation Command, warned of a “significant threat” to aircraft in Kabul. However, he declined to give any details, explaining that there are good reasons for this.

Source: Turan News Agency