Why does Armenia violate the ceasefire?

The reasons for the violation by the Armenian side of the ceasefire on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border and the shelling of Azerbaijani positions in Karabakh, from the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping contingent of Azerbaijan, commented on the former Foreign Minister Tofiq Zulfugarov in the “Difficult Question” program of TURAN Information Agency.

According to him, the provocations of the Armenians are aimed at achieving the deployment of peacekeepers on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. The fact is that the status of the peacekeeping contingent is to stand between the parties to the conflict and take positions along the line of actual control. This automatically “freezes” the delimitation and demarcation process.

Moreover, the conflict status of the region is also “conserved”. In addition, the deployment of peacekeepers on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border would postpone the signing of a peace treaty to an indefinite future.

“In early June, while a visit to Paris, the acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan asked French President Emmanuel Macron to facilitate the deployment of peacekeepers on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Most likely, Macron, who has extremely limited opportunities in the South Caucasus, advised him to turn to Russia. Following this, there was information that Azerbaijan opposed the deployment of Russian peacekeepers on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border (this requires the consent of both sides – editor’s note),” the ex-minister said.

According to Zulfugarov, there are discrepancies in the positions of Russia and Armenia on the Zangezur corridor. Russia wants this corridor to be used and controlled by Russian border guards, but Armenia and the West do not support this corridor.

Obviously, the pressure exerted by Azerbaijan on the border is a way to force Armenia to comply with the requirements for the Zangezur corridor, the opening of which is part of a trilateral agreement concluded on November 10, 2020 by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia. That is why, while delimitation of borders the Armenians raise a cry that the territorial integrity of Armenia has been violated, etc.

Referring to the statement of President Ilham Aliyev that Zangezur, Goycha, Irevan are historical lands of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis will return to these lands, Tofiq Zulfugarov recalled that the trilateral Statement of November 10 states that all refugees must return to their native lands.

As for the territorial claims of Azerbaijan to Armenia, since the beginning of the restoration of independence, Yerevan did not recognize the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, started armed aggression and total ethnic cleansing of the Azerbaijani population, and attempted to annex the occupied territories.

“Therefore, before the official recognition of our territorial integrity, we get the right, acting on the principle of reciprocity, to consider the territory of a neighboring state as a disputed one, the belonging of which should be determined during subsequent negotiations,” the diplomat said.

According to him, the system of “Azerbaijan’s claims to Armenia lies in two main planes”

1. Historical (associated with the illegal transfer by the Bolsheviks of a part of Azerbaijan (Zangezur) to the Armenian SSR;

2. Humanitarian (associated with the implementation of ethnic cleansing of the Azerbaijani population by Armenia). Most of them were Azerbaijanis, and for 100 years, there was a policy of ethnic cleansing.

Finally, according to the Armenians, the Sumgayit events were one of the main causes of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict. Where did the refugees come from in Sumgayit? From Kafan, which is part of Zangezur. Therefore, guided by human rights, we want to say – for a hundred years, you grossly violated the rights of these people, carried out ethnic cleansing. Now we want to restore their rights, in particular, the right to live on their lands.

“Azerbaijan believes that Armenia should transfer these territories to it, or consider options for joint management of these territories (international control over these territories), or a special status of these territories. All these theses do not contradict the norms of international law and have precedents in world practice,” concluded Zulfugarov.

Source: Turan News Agency

Head of Shusha state nature reserve appointed

By order of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Maftun Gurbanoglu Abbasov has been appointed a chairman of the board of Shusha state reserve, according to the website of the head of state.

Source: Turan News Agency

Charles Michel to make a tour over the South Caucasus

President of the Council of the European Union, Charles Michel will tour the South Caucasus on July 16-19.

He is the first to visit Armenia where he will have meetings with Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Armenian President Sarkisyan.

On July 18, Michel will arrive in Azerbaijan to meet with President Ilham Aliyev.

On July 19, the President of the EU Council is scheduled to attend an international conference in Batumi and meet with President Salome Zurabishvili and Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili.

Also, meetings are scheduled to take place within the framework of the conference with the Presidents of Ukraine and Moldova – Vladimir Zelensky and Maia Sandu, the press service of the President of the EU Council reported.

Source: Turan News Agency

Passenger traffic by land transport is resumed between Baku and Nakhchivan

Bus services on the Baku-Nakhchivan-Baku route through the territory of Iran will resume since July 17.

An appropriate order was signed by Prime Minister Ali Asadov.

No certificate of PCR test for COVID-19 is required from passengers on the route.

Upon arrival at the Bilasuvar customs checkpoint, they will give a smear for PCR test for COVID-19. This survey will be conducted free of charge for Azerbaijani citizens.

During the trip, it will be mandatory for staff and passengers to comply with requirements of the special quarantine regime due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Turan News Agency

Armenians fired at Azerbaijani positions in Nakhchivan

Today, at about 10: 00, the Armenian armed forces violated the ceasefire regime in the direction of Sadarak-Arazdayan, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

According to the report, a separate combined-arms army stationed in the NAR, as well as a personnel and equipment of engineering units engaged in position arrangement were shelled with weapons of various calibers.

No losses in the Azerbaijani side, among personnel and equipment are reported.

The fire was returned.

On July 14, a serviceman was wounded due to firing at Azerbaijani positions in the NAR by Armenian troops. The Armenian side announced a death of its serviceman.

Source: Turan News Agency

Research regarding BioNTech / Pfizer and Sinovac on antibody count

People who received BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine had ten times the amount of antibodies than those given China’s Sinovac, a Hong Kong study has shown, adding to growing data on different jabs’ effectiveness, APA reports citing AFP.

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) research, based on a study of 1,442 healthcare workers, was published in Lancet Microbe on Thursday.

Researchers said antibodies are not the only measure of a vaccine’s success at fighting a particular disease.

But they warned that “the difference in concentrations of neutralising antibodies identified in our study could translate into substantial differences in vaccine effectiveness”.

Those who received Sinovac had “similar or lower” levels of antibodies to those seen in patients who caught and successfully fought off the disease.

The study adds to the growing body of evidence that vaccines using pioneering mRNA technology — such as BioNTech and Moderna — offer better protection against the coronavirus and its variants that those developed by more traditional methods such as using inactivated virus parts.

Traditional vaccines are cheaper to produce and less complicated to transport and store, making them a vital tool for fighting the pandemic in less wealthy countries.

– ‘Many lives still saved’ –

Epidemiologist Ben Cowling, one of the report’s authors, said people should still get vaccinated with Sinovac if there was no other option because some protection was always better than none.

“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good,” he told AFP.

“It is clearly better to go and get vaccinated with an inactivated vaccine than to wait and not get vaccinated,” he added.

“Many, many lives have been saved by the inactivated vaccine.”

The researchers said their data suggested “alternative strategies” such as earlier booster shots might be needed to increase protection for those who have received Sinovac.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency