Foreign diplomats watch wreckage of Panahali Khan’s Palace in Shusha-VIDEO

Representatives of diplomatic corps in Azerbaijan have watched the area of wreckage Panahali Khan’s palace within the framework of visit to Shusha today, APA’s correspondent reports.

The diplomats have been informed on the founder of Shusha city Panahali Khan and the history of his palace, the palace has been noted to be subjected to Armenian vandalism during occupation.

The guests have watched the wreckage of the Palace, witnessed signs of Armenian vandalism.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Agreement on mutual transfer of confidential information between Azerbaijani and Belarusian MoDs ratified

Draft law on approving the agreement on the mutual transfer of confidential information during the implementation of bilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus has been discussed at the meeting of the Milli Majlis, APA reports.

After discussions draft law has been adopted in the first reading.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency